Backup Utility for filenames and folders only


Apr 16, 2005
Basically, I have a lot of movies and music and files that are on many different drives and are on RAID0 partitions. I have a few folders which backup to an external because they are really important and I cannot lose those. What I'm looking for is a program that will make a text file, or something like that, which will always keep updated on the the folders and file names that are on that drive. Kinda like this:

Drive F:
Folder A:
File 1
File 2
File 3
Folder B:
File 4
File 5

Drive G:


Something that will make it like that, or anything, as long as I have a backup of the names of things that I have, I can re-get it. Does such a program exist. Remember, I do not want to backup the actual file, just make a list of files/folders that I have. I'm always updating my files and folders so to it manually is very tedious. Thanks.
Thanks, that works. Is there anyway to have it so it doesn't log system folders? Don't really need them. Heh.