avivo or purevideo?


Nov 9, 2005
avivo platform
purevideo platform
which has better technology to produce 1080i/p?
Actually, I think AVIVO is a bit better than NV's solution, at least in terms of input options on their AIW cards... I think they even include the component output dongles with those.
thejunker said:
ATI has stepped up lately with their new drivers.

Some good comparison shots here:

My problem with that is that some of the basic info there is wrong, eg:
Neither NVIDIA nor XGI offer noise reduction algorithms.
Purevideo does noise reduction as part of the scaling algorithim but it's kind of basic stuff like how you would find in any MPEG2 codec but the point is it's there. Then again what do I care, I use FFDShow on my DVDs for postprocessing. ;)
steviep said:
Actually, I think AVIVO is a bit better than NV's solution, at least in terms of input options on their AIW cards... I think they even include the component output dongles with those.
NV supports component out on the 6150-6600 series, PCIE 6800 and 7x00 series. NV's support for DVI to HDMI has always been much better though.
CrimandEvil said:
Purevideo does noise reduction as part of the scaling algorithim but it's kind of basic stuff like how you would find in any MPEG2 codec but the point is it's there. Then again what do I care, I use FFDShow on my DVDs for postprocessing. ;)

I must be missing something in FFD as I can't get the noise reduction to compare to with what I'm getting using straight VMR9. I think I just need to keep tweaking it.

CrimandEvil said:
NV supports component out on the 6150-6600 series, PCIE 6800 and 7x00 series. NV's support for DVI to HDMI has always been much better though.

Indeed, my 7800GT came with the component dongle - which has found permanent home in my box o' wires.
Looks like a hot ticket, I'll give it a shot. I have not yet added DScaler to the mix, didn't want to muck things up any worse by adding another processor. Seems like everyone is using it though, so I'll give it a shot as well.