Auzentech Prelude with ATH-900 Review


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2008
Okay, I'm pretty happy with the results of the combo barring a few issues. I initially setup the software for music and played some classical jazz. I will say that I was pretty ecstatic about hearing the “fret buzz” on the bass itself. I also played some rock, classical, and rap just to test the wide gamut of sound potential. The rock band sounded pretty good with clear and bright sound coming from the HP’s. I will have to say, it did sound a little to bright for my liking, but they are brand new and I’m sure the sound will warm up the more I break-them-in. When I played some Classical music, the sound was awesome. The Classical sound was very bright and fairly balanced as the sound came through the HP’s loud and clear. The only underperformance that I noticed really was when I played more R&B/Rap music. The music tends to have a funkier beat, and with the lack of the lower tones it sounded a little off (Though I believe this will change as the cans warm up). My only complaints are that the HP’s aren’t deep enough or my ears, or my ears are just too damn big.

As for the Auzentech Prelude, well, it has plenty of options (more than I know what to do with at the moment). The literature that comes with the box isn’t as descriptive as I liked, but the PDF file on the CD helped out quite a bit. It took me awhile to figure out where to plug in the headphones since the card doesn’t label a “headphone” slot (FYI, HP’s are plugged in the slot labeled ‘front’). I also ordered from Amazon the Zalman clip-on Mic that I can’t get to work, apparently from a known Vista 64 compliance issue. Since I game, I needed a Mic and ended up buying a USB Microphone which works fine for now until they can figure out the problem. I mainly use Ventrilo for communication and I set up the comms so that I hear sound out my card and input through the Mic (it’s fairly easy to setup). Furthermore, I don’t know if I’m going deaf or the HP’s need a lot of power to sound decent, but I have to turn my volume button up to 75% to hear the sound (the dial is on the taskbar).

I’ve played several games, such as: COD4, BF2, BF2142, and etc and will say the positional sounds is pretty good. Though I can’t quite differentiate between sounds above or below me, perhaps that’s something I can cleanup with the software. Other than that the game sound is pretty decent.

I have to admit that I’m a novice audio enthusiast when it comes to Headphones and computer sound quality. But if I had to give it an overall rating for “out-of-the-box” performance, I’d give it an A-.
can u compare the prelude with a 'generic' x-fi in terms of sound quality?

Just for shit's and giggles (besides I had to do a couple of more things inside the case) I plugged in the X-fi card just to see the difference in sound.

My impression is along the same lines as what spaceman stated: "oh it's better on the prelude hero. fuller sound. less tinny." You can definately tell a difference. The sound quality that you get with a prelude has a bigger "stage presence." The fret buzz wasn't as noticeable as I heard on the Prelude and the sound quality was a little more "tinny" (more highs and lows with a lack of base that sounded like someone was talking out a can). I'm very happy that I bought the Prelude instead of installing the X-fi that came with the MB. I only played COD4 for a gaming experience and would say the gaming quality was a little "muffled" (unlike the clear sound generated by the prelude). Keep in mind that I'm using the ATH-900's and I'm sure sound would be different with other HP's.

Hope that helps.

Edit: This may sound odd, but I felt like someone was nagging me after listening to the X-fi for a while (Perhaps just the combination of tinny and highs irritating my ears. *shrugs*)
did u have a real x-fi card or the mobo provided one?
the mobo provided one (asus?) is a riser card that doesnt use an x-fi chip- just x-fi drivers. a regular x-fi uses the same chip as the prelude but the prelude has better dacs and such. thats the comparison i want. i use an x-fi xtremegame and am deciding on my next sound upgrade (99% for gaming)

Go to digital output and a external dac for best results.

I might get a $100 titanium and use my xr55 receivers dac for instance. Spending the $$ on the prelude is kind of a 5% upgrade from the x-fi.
ok then- whats an economical receiver that takes optical or digital input and has a powerful headphone output? i dont like to upgrade unless noticable results show. (my wallet has taken much abuse from incremental upgrading :) )
You don't have to get a receiver. If it is just headphones the Zero is a noticeable upgrade. Depends on the headphones of course. Actually, what headphones are you using?
i use mainly ath-a900, but have a variety of cans. i would also like to be able to get into hi-impedance cans. i once had an ibasso d1 but it wasnt any more powerful than an x-fi
Expensive Hobby. I spent over 2,500 for headphones alone.

Sen 595,650
AKG 240,340,701
Beyer 770,880,990,48a
Sony SA5000
Just a followup post after weeks worth of listening. The ATH-900 are starting to warm up, the sound is becoming more balanced among all music types and I'm still enjoying everything.