AutoPatcher Alternative?


Oct 21, 2004
Now that AutoPatcher is shut down, can anyone recommend an alternative? Other than Windows Update... :p
Huh? I dont think you know what AutoPatcher was, guy...
It wasnt to update your install disk, it was an alternative to Windows Update.

I haven't looked into it, but it shouldn't be too hard to start making unofficial updates to the last core version.
I know what Autopatcher is. It's also used to save time after a fresh install so you don't have to redl the updates. So I recommended a slipstreamed cd. If you want to completely do away with WU then there is a program that grabs the updates for you but I can't recall the name.
I know what Autopatcher is. It's also used to save time after a fresh install so you don't have to redl the updates. So I recommended a slipstreamed cd. If you want to completely do away with WU then there is a program that grabs the updates for you but I can't recall the name.

Ahh, I see what you meant now. But Im not worried about complete reinstalls, I'm talking about monthly updates.

And I have the app your thinking of, its "Windows Updates Downloader". It works OK

I haven't looked into it, but it shouldn't be too hard to start making unofficial updates to the last core version.

Yea we are going to be turning on wsus on a few servers for clients.

Sucks about autopatcher though. Really liked that program
The cool guys at Autopatcher are working on a new release which will automate downloading files from Microsoft and then integrating the files into an installer similar to the old Autopatcher program. An October release is hoped for. In the meantime I will use the August releases for any new installs and then use Windows Update manually for the few new updates that I might need.