Australian Members


Sep 28, 2011
over on the eVGA forums we are trying to push for them to open
an on-line store accessable to Australia.

If you would like to support this initiative, please post here and I will link it to that forum.
The more potential customers, the more likely it may be that we can get an on-line store happening and finally get some decent availability of components and perhaps stopped getting ripped off by suppliers in this country.:D


Hi Simba,
Sounds like a great initiative. I'd definitely support by buying a eVGA GTX 680 or two :)
I support it. Love the guys down under. I don't know if it would actually get you more reasonable prices though. Everything tech related seems to have a significant markup over US prices.
yeah aussieland is the new EU when it comes to hardware pricing. makes absolutely no sense why they pay so much, i mean hell the transit to them is even shorter then it is to the US.
yeah aussieland is the new EU when it comes to hardware pricing. makes absolutely no sense why they pay so much
It's not that bad nowadays. It just took them a while to catch up with the exchange rate. A 7870 at my local brick & mortar is only ~$50 more than Newegg.
It's not that bad nowadays. It just took them a while to catch up with the exchange rate. A 7870 at my local brick & mortar is only ~$50 more than Newegg.

Pity the 680's aren't like that. ranging from $649-699.
We still get ripped of in power supplies, cases and fans etc, GPUs have been 20-40% overpriced here for quite some time.

You can get a CPU and MB for around the equivalent $US, peripherals are still way over-priced.

A direct store might force suppliers to stop price-gouging on these products.
Yeah. Buying GPUs close to release down here is downright silly, and begging to get your wallet into therapy. The 7970s were $700+ at release, now they're down in the $500 to $600 range. I expect we'll see 680s drop to low $500s in March when the midrange 6xx series gets released.
Only if they introduce their step-up program to Australia, otherwise there are plenty of other decent brands to buy.
We are fighting for the Step-up program too.

The New global warranty they have been talking about only Applys to the US/Canada/Mexico people.
Anyone else gets the standard 3 year warranty. To get the Step-up program you have to be able to get the extended 10 year warranty.
While I support what you're doing, I think in the end it will be a futile effort. Australia just lacks the market size/critical mass in order for EVGA to care or put the effort in to establishing a greater presence here.

Nonetheless good luck, you have my support in spirit either way.
Looks like eVGA may be taking this seriously :D

All Australian users should head over to this new Thread and fill in the survey.

Please assist us here as this is a rare opportunity to convice a hardware provider to give
Australian buyers a supply line that does not involve a 50-100% markup on US prices.

thank you all.

please feel free to spread the word in any other gaming/hardware forums etc.
the more responses they get the better.