Audigy 2 problem


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 25, 2004
Seems simple enough, but the white plug (on my old card), how do I get that out? It seems to be clipped in and doesnt want to budge? Im retarded. :[
Is there a proper way to get this out or do I just pull... I really dont want to find out by trying that.
are you talking about the CD audio cable that runs to your CD/DVD drives? if it's wide and flat, you should be able to just pull it out pretty easily. if it's more narrow, there should be a tab that you have to push down before you can pull it out.

as with everything in your computer, if it's not budging, don't force it. the last thing you want to do is snap something off of your sound card.
I got it, it was white and wide. I just said fuckit and put some force on and it came out. Audigy 2 is now in and working great. :)