ATItool put my 9800NP at 434/330 safe?

The non pros can usually be clocked up to at least a pro, which is 380 processor/ 340 memory (ddr). Use an overclocking app like RivaTuner to gradually increase the clock.
I like to run a few sessions of 3dmark to see if I get any artifacts. Ususally the memory will give up and start showing artifacts first. I overclocked to a pro and I'm fine with it their. If you want more be prepared to do some custom cooling and get a better card next time.
Originally posted by tehandydumke
Please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you have no crashes/artifacts when playing games i would say it's safe
Originally posted by W1zzard
if you have no crashes/artifacts when playing games i would say it's safe

listen to this man...he WROTE that tool you used for that overclock ;)

personally, my 9500Pro went to 375/315 with that tool. i call it my 9750Pro now =b hehe

btw, thx for an awesome OCing tool w1zzard!

I'd be very careful with it.
ATITool set my 9800np way too high. When running a game, I'd get memory artifacts from memory set at 330. Right now I have it at 418/324. I use Radlinker now; it's bundled with the Omega drivers.
yah id drop it 10 mhz on each and go from there.

It set my card to 465/415 and i still locked up at 455/405

dropped core 20 mhz from what it set it to and droped memory 15 mhz

I think my core will do 450, but on heaver games it locks up
im worked about the safety more, like if it will burn up and catch on fire or something... i have stock cooling
i accidentally saved over my default, could someone tell me the default clock and mem speeds for a 9800NP
No program is perfect, ATItool is for reference and can't replace human logic(<--is that the word I'm looking for?). As W1zzard said, if you don't see any artifacts and experience no lock-ups, then yes you're good to go.

Great program btw. /ass kissing
damn 330 is pretty slow. Heck i dont want to drop my memory below 370MHZ.
Well the Pro BIOS raises the vdimm a bit IIRC. With the NP BIOS my 9800 with Sammy 3.3s did 337 memory so he's not too bad off.