ATI X1900XT Making High Pitched Noises

Slo Gun

Limp Gawd
Sep 10, 2005
Hello to all in the forums this is my first post (although i have been reading the forums for a long time)
Anyways i got my X1900XT Sapphire card today, and the fan section of the brack was bent, making installation difficult.
Further to this, the fan makes an almost unbearable buzzing type noise, even when idling.
Its the type of noise, you know when your in bed at night and all is quiet, except you can hear something electrical buzzing, usually a stereo or tv etc. that has been left on standby, and its really annoying. Then you find out what it is and turn it off..... ahh relief.
Anyways i get this kind of noise constantly out of my new ati card and was wondering if this happens to other people, or maybe its a fault with my card, or maybe its just how these cards are, and i am overly sensitive to the noise.
I havent even been able to get through a full 3d mark because the noise gets that loud, i cant imagine trying to play a game on it.
It literally makes my ears hurt.
Dont mean to moan, but just really hoping its a faulty card and can be replaced rather than a known trait. I was really looking forward to this new card aswell!!! :(
sounds like someone dropped your card before you got it. the fan has little clearance between the blades / housing, maybe it moved or something bent and is now making contact
Thanks for the quick reply viper.
I hope your right, because i read that they were noisy but this doesn't sound like any kind of fan ive heard before.
at stock settings the card isnt loud at all ,

it sounds like the cooling fan got damaged somewhere on the way ,

you can either rma the card or just buy a aftermarket cooler ,
Well im quite relived that it seems to be a problem with the individual card. Annoyed that I got a damaged one tho.
I will be ringing Overclockers UK first thing tommorow!
I hope they just swap it out or i wont be very happy.
Its the only card i have now, just flogged my 7800gtx.
Thanks for the feedback fellas.
Help me to put my mind at rest.
Slo Gun said:
Well im quite relived that it seems to be a problem with the individual card. Annoyed that I got a damaged one tho.
I will be ringing Overclockers UK first thing tommorow!
I hope they just swap it out or i wont be very happy.
Its the only card i have now, just flogged my 7800gtx.
Thanks for the feedback fellas.
Help me to put my mind at rest.

=) np yea at default speed in 2d the card is silent, but once you start playin it starts to kick in =p
When 3DMark05 is running the CPU phase test a strange sound comes from either the Video card or the new CPU. Not really sure which, does anyone else have this problem? It sounds like a short high pitched squeal. It only does this during the CPU phase though.
Are you sure it's not the PSU or motherboard power regulators?

I usually find those can squeal under power load scenarios.

OT: Are you the same war_child from the Kawasaki ZZR1400 forum? ;)
I agree with the post above. See if it's coming from the power supply. 1900s draw a LOT of power. When my vid card kicks in, my fan speed drops a very small percentage because of the draw from the vid card (I have an X1900XT also).

What kind of power supply do you have?
Was it shipped in the usual "high quality" OC UK packing (i.e. thrown in a box and chucked out the door?).

If so, I would return it with a note about their packing. :)
Rocco123 said:
I agree with the post above. See if it's coming from the power supply. 1900s draw a LOT of power. When my vid card kicks in, my fan speed drops a very small percentage because of the draw from the vid card (I have an X1900XT also).

What kind of power supply do you have?

I'm not the war_child from the Kawasaki ZZR1400 forum

My current power supply is a Enermax EG565P-VE which is a 535W power supply.

I played a few games Quake 4 and EQ2 and the noise only comes out during the CPU phase testing. It doesn't make the noise anyothere time as far as i know

thanks for your time
I merged the two High Pitched noise threads since the discussions in each are almost the same.
The rating or quality of the PSU doesn't necessarily mean it won't buzz under load, I had a 520W OCZ Powerstream that was only powering a 3200+ Venice (at 2.7GHz mind you) and an X800XL + 2 x 512MB G.Skill @ 600MHz and it made buzzy/high-voltage whistles under certain loads (e.g. Prime max heat test, non max heat tests did not make it whine).
I also have an OCZ powerstream ( I love the thing), and it too changes tones when I'm stressing the CPU or vid card.
Not sure merging these threads was wise .... they are two different noises and look like they have different causes too ..... renames might have been a better option. :)
Yeah I got kind a confused about the threads too when I went to go check again. The first thread was was about a new 1900XT making noise, the other was a CPU-Load testing noise, but I believe these are two separate issues.
i get the weird noise too but its only during the 3dmark05 cpu tests ,

i just ignore it , things like that dont bother me as long as everything is working like it should
Open the side pannel and find out exactly where it's coming from. I've seen this happen when you have a faulty capacitor. See if any caps fell of the vid card or mobo. If you find any you may be able to sauter them back on. said:
Was it shipped in the usual "high quality" OC UK packing (i.e. thrown in a box and chucked out the door?).

If so, I would return it with a note about their packing. :)

Yes it was, although ive got a feeling the card was damaged before it was even put in the saphire box.
Ive orderd a new one from micro direct over £30 cheaper, and am sending the old one back to overclockers for a full refund.
I wont be using them again.
Customer service is not what i would call good, and have spent over £15 on calling them from my mobile, and being left on hold for half an hour while i am waiting in a queue of 3 people.
bobrownik said:
i get the weird noise too but its only during the 3dmark05 cpu tests ,

i just ignore it , things like that dont bother me as long as everything is working like it should

The tread merged messed me up lol

Just to confirm bobrownik you get the same wierd sound during the CPU phase of the 3dmark2005 test? If thats the case I'll live with it, i just wanted to verify i didn't get a bad part.
I have got myself a new card to replace the old broken one, and the high pitched noise is nomore.
Digital Viper-X- said:
=) np yea at default speed in 2d the card is silent, but once you start playin it starts to kick in =p

I wouldnt say it is silent, to me it is quite noisy.
I am definitely thinking of upgrading to an aftermarket cooler.
Does anybody know when these will be available to buy?
Whats the crack with aftermarket cooling, does it void your warranty, or can you just stick the old cooler on if you need to rma it?
Slo Gun said:
I have got myself a new card to replace the old broken one, and the high pitched noise is nomore.

I wouldnt say it is silent, to me it is quite noisy.
I am definitely thinking of upgrading to an aftermarket cooler.
Does anybody know when these will be available to buy?
Whats the crack with aftermarket cooling, does it void your warranty, or can you just stick the old cooler on if you need to rma it?

Arctic Cooling has the Axelero2 Coming out soon, it seems good, the VF700 CU sucks >< I had it on my X1800 and the temp would be over 90deg under full load
I have really good air flow in my case, i use 2 120mm fans blowing in, one across from the video card and the other across from the cpu. I have em hooked up to a fan controller and its set to the lowest speed it will work at. What im getting to is that my computer is damn near silent, i hear my monitor buzz over my pc, and i have a X1900XTX and its only noticable when i play games for a few hours, then and ONLY then will the fan kick up so i can hear it, but even then its far from loud. And im a quite freak, trust me. Get some cooling and youll be golden.