ATI x1400 for gaming


Limp Gawd
Apr 13, 2005
I know the x1400 would be great for WOW but I am more into Battlefield 2 and FEAR
The res would be 1680 x 1050 with a 2.0 core duo and 1GB of ram and later upgraded to 2 GBs.

what do you guys think
if you look at the specifications:

the x1400 has 4 vertex and 2 pixel pipelines. similar to the 9600 radeon mobility. the x1400 maybe be clocked higher and has support for more recent features

I have a notebook with the x700 which has 8 vertex and 6 pixel piplines I can play F.E.A.R. on medium settings at 800 x 600 at what I consider acceptable framerates. mid 30's to mid 20's.

I don't think the x1400 will deliver if you want to play the latest and maybe soon to be released shooters very often. I mostly play WoW and the x700 is very good for that, however, I sometimes wished I waited for the x1600 mobility. The x1600 mobility will give you mid 30's to low 40's framerates at 1024 x 768 with medium settings according to the previews I've read. That's with no AA or AF.