ATI Rage Fury MAXX

simfusion developed a line of multi-gpu R300 based cards years ago. i have seen maybe 3 on ebay in the last 10 years. one of them was dirt cheap. i do not know why i did not buy it. anyway, just another card to watch for.
Eh, it would be cool to have for the nostalgia factor but a Geforce 2 will blow this card away.
Eh, it would be cool to have for the nostalgia factor but a Geforce 2 will blow this card away.

a geforce2 was not competition for 1 radeon 9700, how would it have been competition for 4 of them chained to 1gb of RAM?...

i guess you meant the rage card....
GF2 and Rage Fury Maxx wasn't even in the same generation.

Fury Maxx was just a stop-gap to compete against the original GeForce SDR/DDR until the original Radeon launched. Jan 1999 to Dec 2000 was just crazy in terms of GPU development. Just strictly looking at Nvidia, we went from TNT to TNT2 to GeForce SDR to GeForce DDR to GeForce 2 GTS to GeForce 2 Ultra within that time span. Quite literally >10x improvement within 2 years.