ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

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I've just built my dream machine waiting for the next gen crossfirex that lets me use my 2nd monitor while in games. This card is it! I promise to polish its little heat sink to sleep every night.
I bought a 3870 a few weeks ago to replace an old aging Nvidia 7800. But I had to take it back to Fry's this week because we are running so low on cash right now. We just had a baby back in July, and shortly thereafter, we both lost our jobs. I got a new job and my wife has been staying at home, so we are living off my salary alone and trying to catch up on everything that got behind during our layoffs.

PLEASE let me win this! I used to upgrade my computer on a regular basis, but now I just don't seem to have the time or cash. This would be a great start! :D

Did you know that at this point, each new poster reduces your odds of winning by 1/30 of a %.
Sorry. :)
please let me win, going to college isn't letting me work enough to feed my upgrade bug. Halp me!
YOu need some serious balls to have a contest like this... The 3870X2 are like holy grial for nerds in my country, they would assault your HQ in mass just to grab that ATI's graphic card, rapin and setting on fire every livin' thing in their way to get it.

I think I can hold them off if I carry the power of this ATI HD 3870X2. Can't promise anything here...

Will send a second report when I find a more secure place, I think I'm being listened (yes these are special advanced nerds THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT KEYS I'M PRESSIN OH FUC
Q. How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

A. None. Microsoft just redefines darkness as the standard.

:D I'd like a card please!
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