ATI MVP: SLI in serious trouble?

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FanATIc said:
Damn, i thought a, what is it 6000 dollar computer, would have massive market. It really does look like they dropped it though. They put computers together i dont think they have the staff or brainpower to keep updating their own drivers and hardware to support each videocard.
Yeah,but you got a cool briefcase and a "personal" customer service guy to try and understand, for $6000. I agree. They build them but I dont believe they ever had the intention of producing a stand-alone SLI solution. I dont think either ATI or Nvidia wanted the headache. ;)
^eMpTy^ said:

You never cease to amaze me...

Think about it external dongle...that means it's connected up by a VGA or DVI port...that's just a LITTLE BIT different than a PCB connector across the top of the cards...

And your precious tiled rendering doesn't scale geometry processing which is a big hit...not to mention there are dozens of lines across which textures are duplicated instead of just they lose a lot of efficiency...basically they have AFR...the tiling architecture is old...

Nvidia's split screen implementation dynamically changes the location of the split to balance load across the two cards...

Seriously, you should read up on the subject before running your mouth...

Hate_Bot said:

Goddamn fan boys... Always dodging around the arguments...

That was a pretty hypocritical statement, and who the hell are you to call somebody a fan boy?

Besides he's right anyways.
Jerunk said:
That was a pretty hypocritical statement, and who the hell are you to call somebody a fan boy?

Besides he's right anyways.

How am I a fan boy?

Please explain
MartinX said:
Yes, but I didn't like it, so I made up a new one in my head and answered that instead.

What I was sort of thinking was that prior to the current set, the ATI x series and the Nvidia 6xxx series, ATI had the clearly dominant technology (unless you want to tell me that the 5xxx series was nvidias finest hour...), i

I have to stop now or Kyle might beat me.

ah i see. so before the reign of the 6800, ATI was god. OK, so why didn't you say in your post that The GFX companies often trade places by leapfrogging each other? And yeah, 1 year ago ATI had better stuff. And before that, Nvidia was on top, and had been for a while.

So basically, if we look at the last 5 years, Nvidia has been on top for most of the time, and yet somehow you forget to mention any of that, and say "ATI =GOD and Nvidia is in trouble!"

whatever. you cant even see your own bias. im done arguing with you.
Enough of this fan-boy bickering crap, I won't have it. If you want to discuss this topic feel free to start another thread, this time drop all the arguing and personal comments towards each other.

Thanks for understanding.
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