ATI - Adding to the [H]


Jan 11, 2008
Well, I got my third 48xx Serices card coming tomorrow!

I have a 4870 in my main boxen Q6600 @ 3.4Ghz
I have a 4580 in my newly built File Server E6420 @ 2.13Ghz

And I will be adding an HIS 4850 ICEQ Edition to my HTPC.

The HIS 4850 ICE has a dual slot cooler .. which is great.
My htpc case does not handle heat very well at all.

For those of you with the same problem, check these out.

EVERCOOL SB-F1 PCI Slot Case Cooler - - Air Flow: 42 CFM
EVERCOOL SB-F2 PCI Slot Case Cooler - - Air Flow: 60 CFM

(I know the SB-F2 says 42 CFM on newegg, but it is really 60)
(Also the SB-F2 required 2 x PCI slots so be sure you have room)

I purchased on last week, and it dropped my HTPC temps by 9C inside the case.
I only have two x 60mm fans on it so it needed more airflow.

These things are great at moving some heat from the 4850's, and tons of air flow.
Noise will depend on how high you ramp it up, but even at full not that bad.
Grats EA!! Its getting closer to where I will begin adding in ATI's to the farm. Let us know how they work for ya!

I've Got a few 8800GS that I can move out for a 4870 when they get all 800 shaders pumping.

Door off walmart box fan LOL, thats what I got in the cool basement! Advanced cooling !
What kind of PpD are you getting out the ATI cards?

Hey Kendrak, if one of the "dibbers" can't come thru with his dibs (of course there's not too much of a chance of that, drat...:mad:) I want "dibs" on the replacement "dibbers" for one of those 8800gs GPU's. Like a lot of people I have one and they're an "easy breezy" way to get a consistant 4500 ppd or better. :p

Hey nomad8u and Xilikon youse' guys should stick with the GT's or even a GTX260 and let us "too poor to pay attention people buy the lowly, good for nothin' GS's (only kiddin' and I mean only kiddin'..., I like my "el cheapo" EVGA 8800gs :D)


Okay ... Update .. for those who want an ATI Card...

You need to get the HIS 4850 ICEQ .....

It has to be the best card out there.
Runs at 55C at full load on F@H.
Fan is super quiet .. even up to 85% ..i could not even hear it.
I can't believe this card is this nice.
It really shocked me. HIS has earned my business with this card

Okay ... Update .. for those who want an ATI Card...

You need to get the HIS 4850 ICEQ .....

It has to be the best card out there.
Runs at 55C at full load on F@H.
Fan is super quiet .. even up to 85% ..i could not even hear it.
I can't believe this card is this nice.
It really shocked me. HIS has earned my business with this card
Evil, HIS is a very good brand. My X1950 I was folding with previously was an HIS card and I really liked it a lot. It was silent and OCed well. It's just too bad that Stanford dropped GPU1 rather suddenly and because of that I benefited from only half a year's worth of production from it. :(

Hey Kendrak, if one of the "dibbers" can't come thru with his dibs (of course there's not too much of a chance of that, drat...:mad:) I want "dibs" on the replacement "dibbers" for one of those 8800gs GPU's. Like a lot of people I have one and they're an "easy breezy" way to get a consistant 4500 ppd or better. :p

Hey nomad8u and Xilikon youse' guys should stick with the GT's or even a GTX260 and let us "too poor to pay attention people buy the lowly, good for nothin' GS's (only kiddin' and I mean only kiddin'..., I like my "el cheapo" EVGA 8800gs :D)


Don't worry, I ended up buying a 8800GS myself at NCIX for 91.99$ before MIR (20$ MIR) so I don't need it anymore :p

Evil, it's great to have a ATI expert here. We have NVIDIA experts, VMWare experts like me, etc... so it's a great vault of knowledge at the [H]orde.

Okay ... Update .. for those who want an ATI Card...

You need to get the HIS 4850 ICEQ .....

It has to be the best card out there.
Runs at 55C at full load on F@H.
Fan is super quiet .. even up to 85% ..i could not even hear it.
I can't believe this card is this nice.
It really shocked me. HIS has earned my business with this card

This is the specific model number: H485QT512P

Now the big question is, why isn't it available in the US? NCIXUS has it, but I'm not seeing it on any of the major US e-tailers. Or am I missing something?

This is the specific model number: H485QT512P

Now the big question is, why isn't it available in the US? NCIXUS has it, but I'm not seeing it on any of the major US e-tailers. Or am I missing something?

Here you go my friend!

Stock Speed - 512MB - $186.99
HIS H485QS512P Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3

Overclocked to 685MHz vs. 625MHz - 512MB - $ 222.99
HIS H485QX512P Radeon HD 4850 512MB

Stock Speed - 1GB - $230.99
HIS H485QS1GP Radeon HD 4850 1GB

Overclocked to 650MHz vs. 625MHz - 512MB - $203.00
HIS H485QT512P Radeon HD 4850 512MB

Oh...., shite :eek:

I just did battle with my "el cheapo" addiction (well $85 bucks vs $109 bucks anyway :rolleyes:) I payed careful attention (not one of my best characteristics) to my folding mentors nomad8u, Xilikon, SmokeRngs (and several others on the [H]orde also, just too many to mention) and pulled the trigger on a PNY 8800GT w/512 mb from the egg. (single slot cooling, not double like the 9600GSO, sorry HighYield :()

Now after reading the post by EvilAlchemist, another member that has IMO a lot of folding knowledge and knowledge about GPU's, talking about the HIS H485QS512P Radeon HD 4850 512MB GPU and I wonder if I shoulda' held out for a ATI Radeon CPU (even at $189 bucks, you'll maybe get them cheaper as time goes by). I've always been kinda' partial to ATI, it's just they've been a "no competitor" in the folding arena so far (now I read about bigger WU's or something like that) :confused:

I've been tryin' to fight this "always late for the party deal" (I was informed about the 8800 GT about two (2) months ago and I'd hate to think I just screwed up again (I've heard the old "you snooze, you loose" expression and I've been taking a lot of "NoDoz") :p


Oh...., shite :eek:

pulled the trigger on a PNY 8800GT w/512 mb from the egg. (single slot cooling, not double like the 9600GSO, sorry HighYield :

From my first post in this thread, grab one of those pci slot coolers.

They can really take some heat out of the case.
Works well for my stock visiontek 4850.
Video Card fan is on the back of the card, heatsink ends near the front of card (or closest to back of the case) and the PCI fan sit right there to suck out that hot air.

With 40+CFM , some serious air is moving if you crank these up, but i run them at 1/2 speed. Still testing though to get perfect running speed and temps.

Newegg is out of stock on them atm but they will get more.
A few other vendors also have them.
