ATI 9800 pro problems!

Mar 1, 2004
Hi, I hope someone out there can help, because I`m a damsel in distress, I don`t know much about graphics cards, but I do know my last one was pants so I read up a bit on which was the best card to get and got a ATI 9800 pro, I`m living to regret it now, it ran ok to begin with but was slightly laggy getting in and out of games and such, so I changed the drivers, ever since then I have been having various problems with it, now it seems that when I am in game I get really irratic fps, its beginning to annoy me somewhat now since I play a lot of call of duty, when I am being attacked by a psycho german, my fps drops down to under 20, where as it was stable at one time at 90, this happens every time I press the fire button! It just seems the card doesn`t like certain textures like smoke and thats when I get the low FPS! I bought the 9800 pro so I would get smooth gameplay and so that I could burn my choppy geforce 4, but it doesn`t run to smooth now.

I have 3.9 drivers on at the moment, when I first installed them it ran good, I`ve tried most drivers, the 3.7 were ok but lagged the computer a little and I got lines in the graphics, which was annoying. Could the low fps be an overheating problem somewhere? As sometimes the fps is much more stable then at other times. I`m running this card on xp! Any help or advice would be much appreciated, but once again I stress I know nothing about graphic cards, hey I`m blonde after all ;)

Thanks for reading this :)
Didn't the 3.9s have a problem with CoD? I would completely uninstall the old drivers (use a utility like driver cleaner if you want) then install the 4.2s Go to if you want to try these modded drivers. They're considerably better with image quality.
I used a driver cleaner before installing my last drivers, which were the omega 3.9 modded drivers, I`ve now installed the 4.2`s and still getting probs and it does seem these cards don`t like cod much, I`ve had problems with it freezing up, weird and wonderful colours on screen and lagging, but changing the drivers has sorted these problems in the past, but no matter which drivers I use I`m still getting bad fps, I`m sure something is overheating somewhere, but who knows, thanks for your help, much appreciated :)
Yea I'm having the same problem with my Built By ATI 9800 Pro 128MB.. Bad FPS's and low benchmark scores. I've tried the Omega 4.2s and the regular 4.2s, I used Drive Cleaner before installing each... I dunno really what to do.. I'm about to take it back for a refund.

Specs: AMD 2600+
Soyo KT400(blah hate it)
2X256MB Kingston HyperX
128MB BBATI Radeon9800 Pro
Originally posted by Darksid3
Yea I'm having the same problem with my Built By ATI 9800 Pro 128MB.. Bad FPS's and low benchmark scores. I've tried the Omega 4.2s and the regular 4.2s, I used Drive Cleaner before installing each... I dunno really what to do.. I'm about to take it back for a refund.

Specs: AMD 2600+
Soyo KT400(blah hate it)
2X256MB Kingston HyperX
128MB BBATI Radeon9800 Pro

Really weird. Have you tried to contact ATI or looked on other forums? I was thinking about trying to sell my 9700 pro locally for $250 (lol..someone will buy it from me for that price) and picking up a 9800 pro, but if there are weird issues with it, I might just keep my 18 month old baby.
Originally posted by sdk
I am pretty shure a reformat will fix that.

Already been done. ;) Also raised the AGP Voltage from 1.5 to 1.6 as advised by SOYO, which lowered my scores? I'm thinking myabe bad card.. I might just go exchange and if it's still the same just get a refund.. Any other advice is appreciated. I'm also going to be trying a different mobo when I can get my hands on one.
Originally posted by MemoryInAGarden
Really weird. Have you tried to contact ATI or looked on other forums? I was thinking about trying to sell my 9700 pro locally for $250 (lol..someone will buy it from me for that price) and picking up a 9800 pro, but if there are weird issues with it, I might just keep my 18 month old baby.

Definitely no problems with the card in general. Mine runs amazing :)
So you saying it could just be my card and go exchange it? I might do that tomorrow... :eek:
If it helps by exchanging the card let me know! Because I`m close to burning mine if it doesn`t get its act together! :mad:
my 9800 pro runs CoD perfect....... couldnt be more happy with a Card .... using ati cat 4.2's :)
Exchanged.. same result.. getting new mobo today.. ASUS Deluxe nForce2 chipset. ;)