ATi 4850 with Crysis Warhead and other games?


Limp Gawd
Jun 6, 2008
I was going to get the ATi 4850, but I've been reading that the Nvidia's have the edge when it comes to crysis. Here is the list of games I want to play.
Crysis Warhead
Left 4 Dead
Far Cry 2
Brother's in Arms: Hells Highway
Fallout 3

Should I just get a 4850 anyways or is it worth it to go back to Nvidia? I'm trying to stay under $200. Here is my current setup:
AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ 2.53Ghz
2GB DDR 433Mhz RAM
You're not going to be playing crysis very well with that processor and 2gb RAM. From what I've heard, the HD4850 can handle it at reasonable resolutions with medium to high settings.
See sig; rips through Warhead on "High"/Gamer settings. It's even better with a custom config :D. Crysis Wars is different as MP is more strenuous. In MP most settings on Gamer with 2-3 on mainstream perform nicely. Personally I use my own custom config that looks like Gamer settings with about 37/40-60+fps (avg. 45-50) which is like 60+fps in any other online FPS (butter smooth) 1440x900 w/ 4xADAA (4xAA with adaptive transparent AA on max quality).

Nvidia cards have a slight lead in Crysis performance, the equivalent of 1-2 higher settings comparatively. Although the Cat 8.10 betas give much more stable FPS and provide even LESS of a hit on increasing AA which is awesome ;) in Warhead/Wars (and other titles). In the end you need more (and a bit faster) RAM and a faster CPU if you want to see much of a difference with any new GPU.
I was going to get the ATi 4850, but I've been reading that the Nvidia's have the edge when it comes to crysis. Here is the list of games I want to play.
Crysis Warhead
Left 4 Dead
Far Cry 2
Brother's in Arms: Hells Highway
Fallout 3

Should I just get a 4850 anyways or is it worth it to go back to Nvidia? I'm trying to stay under $200. Here is my current setup:
AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ 2.53Ghz
2GB DDR 433Mhz RAM

What resolution will you be gaming at? Also, you say 433, do you mean ddr2 800?
Pretty sure that cpu is going to bottleneck either of your choices. My e6600 needs to be at 3.0+ to not bottleneck my 4850.
I game at 1280 x 1024. From what I was told, the 4850 is the best choice as of now because it will be good if I decide to upgrade, oh say, a few months from now to a faster Intel dual core and some new RAM. I'm ok with the fact that it is bottlenecking, because I may possibly get a new, higher-res monitor. I like having that extra power if i need it. Also my RAM is oc'ed to 433MHz, and it is DDR.
i have 4850 crossfire and play warhead @1920x1200 everything maxed 2xAA
and it runs really good like 20-30fps its very playable and does not studder
I run the game at 1920x1200 on Gamer settings w/no AA and get around 25-28 fps average. It does slow down on some larger areas to around 19-21 fps but it's not constant. The game rarely stutters and feels rather smooth most of the time. I could probably use a 4870 1GB card and might upgrade once prices drop.
I think that 4850 should increase my performance in Crysis Warhead significantly. With my current setup:
AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ 2.53GHz
XFX 7800GT

(just for the hell of it) get about 10-15 fps with all enthusiast settings at 1280 x 1024 and no AA. I think with the 4850 I should atleast be able to play on gamer with some enthusiast settings at around 26FPS+.
I think that 4850 should increase my performance in Crysis Warhead significantly. With my current setup:
AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ 2.53GHz
XFX 7800GT

(just for the hell of it) get about 10-15 fps with all enthusiast settings at 1280 x 1024 and no AA. I think with the 4850 I should atleast be able to play on gamer with some enthusiast settings at around 26FPS+.

at that resolution the game is still gonna be more CPU dependant, it will still run shitty.
anything more than an 7800gt will be severely bottle necked by your cpu. I know cause i've tested this on the same cpu at 2.8ghz, you would infact be in a worse situation.

you need a modern cpu and ddr2 before you get a new GPU.
Well how much can I get a decent CPU, DDR2, and mobo for? This is more than I was planning on spending, damn.
EDIT: I'll start this thread on another forum here.
4850 on a 19" monitor (1280x1024) plays crysis very nicely (on high settings even) =D

But you can't go wrong with nvidia either... get which ever you can find a deal on.

But everyone else is right. The rest of your system is really going to bottle neck things. If you already have a good PSU and HD/Optical drive then you could probably put a faster system together for around $400 (video card included). budget mobo and cpu mind you... but doable.
I was going to get the ATi 4850, but I've been reading that the Nvidia's have the edge when it comes to crysis. Here is the list of games I want to play.
Crysis Warhead
Left 4 Dead
Far Cry 2
Brother's in Arms: Hells Highway
Fallout 3

Should I just get a 4850 anyways or is it worth it to go back to Nvidia? I'm trying to stay under $200. Here is my current setup:
AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ 2.53Ghz
2GB DDR 433Mhz RAM

For your reference, with the system in my sig, I ran Crysis - Warhead at 1680x1050 with 0xAA 0xAF and honestly, it ran like turtlepoo. Some say that having 20-25fps in Crysis is playable, to me it's poo. I played up until the part where I've got to recover intelligence off a laptop, and right after I quit the game. :mad:

Honestly, if you want to play Crysis and Crysis - Warhead comfortably, I suggest you man up a GTX280.

Edit: Oh, and the vid settings were "Auto-detect" and it put me on all Gamer. I don't know enough about Crysis, but I think the Gamer setting is pretty high for my system at 1680x1050.
Well how much can I get a decent CPU, DDR2, and mobo for? This is more than I was planning on spending, damn.
EDIT: I'll start this thread on another forum here.

but i would wait until the next gen cpus come out.