Athlon II X2 240 on sale? When?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 24, 2004
The Athlon II X2 245 and 240 were announced a short time ago. Immediately the 245 showed up in stores at an attractive price, but the 240 has yet to make an appearance. I'm interested in this chip as an affordable upgrade to my light gaming, media rig. Does anybody know when to expect the 240 to be available?
go with the 250 or 550BE.. they may cost more but they are well worth the extra cost.. especially the 550BE..

the 240 will probably show up in a week or so..
Thanks for the reply Monkey. I've got the same TA780g mobo you do and I'm looking for a low TDP cpu to upgrade to. Currently running a BE-2350 as this thing was suppose to be strictly a media center, but have since added an ATI 4670 for a bit of light gaming. In truth I probably don't need the extra horsepower as I'm running 2.5 - 2.75ghz on any given day... Just got that upgrade twinge.

Should be saving my money for an i5 rig and dx11 hardware.
Thanks for the reply Monkey. I've got the same TA780g mobo you do and I'm looking for a low TDP cpu to upgrade to. Currently running a BE-2350 as this thing was suppose to be strictly a media center, but have since added an ATI 4670 for a bit of light gaming. In truth I probably don't need the extra horsepower as I'm running 2.5 - 2.75ghz on any given day... Just got that upgrade twinge.

Should be saving my money for an i5 rig and dx11 hardware.

yeah i have my x2 be-2350 as well use to run it on this board.. 3.05ghz @ 1.38v.. actually performed better then my x2 6400+.. or atleast felt like it did in game.. ive been meaning to take my x2 6400+ out of my media center rig and put my be-2350 in that one but im to lazy to take both the rigs apart.. i just have the be-2350 sitting in an open air rig running BOINC DC projects..

but as for low TDP you can go with something like the 550BE and turn cool 'n quiet on.. so that when it is running idle its downclocked and under volted.. i think at idle the 550BE is suppose to be something like 30-35w..
At that price they'll have to give the Kuma's away for free with motherboard combo deals.:D
The 820 x4 (2.8ghz) and 740 (3.0ghz) should be close by.
phenom 2 545 is generally 15% to 25% faster than Athlon2 x2 250 in most cases.
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I just bought a 245 today, it will be here on friday, so i will post my results...

going from a BE-2400 to the 245
Just to update you all, I bought my 240 on Friday and it should be here this Monday. Will be comming from a BE-2350. It'll be interesting to see how high it'll OC on stock volts.
be prepaired to use your own HSF. The stock from AMD sucks ass.

I have noticed this lately... the HSFs with intel and AMD suck

I wish i still had my dual heatpipe opteron 180 HSF :(
Oh my science. This thing is an incredible upgrade from the BE-2350.

My 240 is currently doing 3.5 with stock volts. *** Haven't primed it yet, but it is game stable ***

Just a quick comparison: my 2350 was at 2.5, playing UT3 would dip into the 30's in some areas. The 240 at 3.5ghz doesn't drop below 60 fps ever! The kicker? This is with a cheapo ATI 4670. I had no idea of the bottleneck. Goodbye Athlon64, I've owned many iterations of you...
I read somewhere a 235e was coming out rated at 45 watts. You could always just underclock your cpu a little bit and it'd be the same.
I read somewhere a 235e was coming out rated at 45 watts. You could always just underclock your cpu a little bit and it'd be the same.

Hmmm. Looks like this is the future of the Athlon II

I'm still happy I upgraded when I did. I'm pretty sure the money I paid for the 240 is a great value for the cash.

I wonder if the Athlon II quads will be native or if it's gonna be two dies per chip.
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The Athlon II X2 240 is only $55.99 at Newegg today, plus you can get Bing cashback to make it $52.34.
Hmmm. Looks like this is the future of the Athlon II

I'm still happy I upgraded when I did. I'm pretty sure the money I paid for the 240 is a great value for the cash.

I wonder if the Athlon II quads will be native or if it's gonna be two dies per chip.

Deneb with L3 cut (Before anyone asks I mean cut not turned off so no crying when an unlock fails and attempts to RMA a perfectly good CPU thank pete)

Athlon II x2 are still GREAT CPUs BTW. They are designed the way they are no cuts no turned off cores nothing. They are still a great investment especially if they get out a serious HTPC 30W version.
I didn't see the promo code when I bought my 240. Code is still valid and I just placed my order this past Friday. Gonna call Newegg and see if they'll hook me up with a $5 credit.

Update: Newegg hooked me up.
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I am still waiting for the Athlon II x4's (the 600 series,) which is just starting to trickle into retail channel at (what feels like) rather inflated prices. Word around is that some sempron 140 can be unlocked to duo core...
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