ATF Wants ‘Massive’ Online Database To Track You

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Not only does the ATF want a database that knows everything about you, they want to know who your friends are too. :eek:

According to a recent solicitation from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the bureau is looking to buy a “massive online data repository system” for its Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information (OSII). The system is intended to operate for at least five years, and be able to process automated searches of individuals, and “find connection points between two or more individuals” by linking together “structured and unstructured data.”
They have Facebook....what more could they possibly need?
The NSA does it so I guess the ATF wants in on the game of collecting info on everyone.
I offered already, but they said it was too creepy and then they switched to Apple and Microsoft products.
Already exists. It's called LexisNexis. Anything in bank records, educational records, county records, or local city records is compiled in their database, including friends and family.
lol, why don't they just cooperate with the FBI and the NSA, pool their resources and make something worth while. I keep reading agency X wants to build server farm y to farm data on subjects z. Wasn't the Department of Homeland Security suppose to get those agencies to work better together, not spend more of our money on their own projects?
Why, so there can be another massive online database that should never have been made online in the first place so script kiddies and hackers can attack it and steal a ton of information because the ATF did not have proper defenses in place for these things? We already have enough of that going on already.
Reminds me of the "no one is trying to take your guns" statement. Oh ya WTF is the ATF tracking us for then?
lol, why don't they just cooperate with the FBI and the NSA, pool their resources and make something worth while. I keep reading agency X wants to build server farm y to farm data on subjects z. Wasn't the Department of Homeland Security suppose to get those agencies to work better together, not spend more of our money on their own projects?

Because there are federal laws preventing them working too closely together. This is done purposefully to avoid having too much power in one organization.
They tried this in canada and cost them a fortune before the government dropped the program.
Because there are federal laws preventing them working too closely together. This is done purposefully to avoid having too much power in one organization.

Ya, instead we has a over-bloated cluster fuck of a mess that likes to free shit to keep the masses happy but still have to much power.
Between cell phones (GPS) and Facebook, I'm not sure how they could possibly need more. Just sounds like over-paid people complaining that they have to actually 'work' their fat fingers by typing a few a characters of text to get the information they need.

Just read the headline, not the article and had to give my 2 cents. ;)
Between cell phones (GPS) and Facebook, I'm not sure how they could possibly need more. Just sounds like over-paid people complaining that they have to actually 'work' their fat fingers by typing a few a characters of text to get the information they need.

Just read the headline, not the article and had to give my 2 cents. ;)

Nobody ever reads the article, headlines are all we need with maybe a two or three line story. The future of news I tell ya.
Maybe they should track down all the guns they sold to organized crime in Mexico.
Gun owners typically have friends that are gun owners.
So when the time comes...
So let me get this straight.
They have already been doing all of this that's mentioned in the article for many years, but now they just want to have it automated instead of people having to do it all, right?
So now those people that were doing it manually will be able to spend more time at the donut shop with the rest of the crew, lol.
lol, why don't they just cooperate with the FBI and the NSA, pool their resources and make something worth while. I keep reading agency X wants to build server farm y to farm data on subjects z. Wasn't the Department of Homeland Security suppose to get those agencies to work better together, not spend more of our money on their own projects?

No, it was created because a corrupt government needs most to fear its own people for fear it will be overthrown. Reading the description of this almost sounds like... 'We want to know who was guns, when they are meeting for drinks/beverages/food together, where they meet and how often. So if they are planning something -- against us -- the dully elected corporation-sponsered government officals -- we'll know everyone involved to imprison indefinitely -- even if they are US citizens, without trial and those we dont know, we'll hopefully obtain torture or threat of torturing their families'.
They can have a finger, and focus on kick all the illegal immigrants out of the country or control our borders first to sure the nation.
Nobody ever reads the article, headlines are all we need with maybe a two or three line story. The future of news I tell ya.

Or the future of firewalls blocking sites at work.... About half the stories posted, I get the headline and can't read the full linked article.
Or the future of firewalls blocking sites at work.... About half the stories posted, I get the headline and can't read the full linked article.

You haven't started carrying your own Internetz with you at work yet? Pfft...dinosaur. :rolleyes:

Maybe they should track down all the guns they sold to organized crime in Mexico.


Eric "Gun Runner" Holder should be in a orange jumpsuit now. He and our gov has directly caused hundreds of murders in Mexico all because of Fast N Furious. The USA Gov sponsored and fronted gun running scam to arm the cartels so that Mexico's arab spring could happen. 2 of our border agents were murdered directly because of Eric Holder and his gun running program.

Spring forward to Libya and Syria on where it has been uncovered that Libya was being used as a weapons supply point for the Syrian rebels and guess who had its hands all in this yes the USA. Lets not forget the chemical weapon(s) that were recently used by the Syrian rebels and where did they get their hands on a WMD. That is why the Obama admin is blocking every effort to have this investigated.

Yet here we are and now the ATF wants to track us and intrude into our lives. Hell the USA gov is hell bent on removing the 2nd amend and making gun ownership illigal. Look at the UN small arms treaty to see what is going on.
Most of society is too stupid and too idiotic to treat a gun in a responsible way, but the way our legal system has given people a sense of entitlement, I don't see how any attempt to properly manage firearms wouldn't be met with a lot of very outspoken people saying that gun control is anything but a power grab by a secret shadow government of Incan aliens that, for whatever reason, want to rule our trailer courts full of drunken losers so they can stampede their women and children and rape their coon dogs.
Most of society is too stupid and too idiotic to treat a gun in a responsible way, but the way our legal system has given people a sense of entitlement, I don't see how any attempt to properly manage firearms wouldn't be met with a lot of very outspoken people saying that gun control is anything but a power grab by a secret shadow government of Incan aliens that, for whatever reason, want to rule our trailer courts full of drunken losers so they can stampede their women and children and rape their coon dogs.
Of course they have no problem giving out "entitlements" (some of which are beyond stupid) that will drag this nation to its knees, but are hell bent on taking away one of the most important things we are actually "entitled" to that was given as a meant to prevent this crap from happening. :mad:

Hospitals cause far, far more deaths than guns, but there' no plan to shut them all down. But the sheep will say, "Oh, but hospitals save more lives". Yeah?, so do guns, but divulging that information doesn't exactly support their agenda. Pretty ironic when the big push is a sorry excuse for a healthcare plan and an overreaching gun grab. Not that we don't know that this is being done in preparation to solidifying a full blown tyrannical government.