At what point will console graphics be outdated?


Oct 20, 2004
I am just posting this to get a feel of what other gamers think of the console graphics right now?

Do you think they are fine for a while, or will be outdated this year or sometime in the future?

Do you think that consoles are beneficial to the gaming market or lagging the technology progression down?

I like to hear what other gamers think, as for me I have been an avid PC gamer for over 15 years (so I am biased to the PC). There are some things the console does very well, and that have improved the gaming market. However I feel that this console generation has just driven the gaming market to stagnation, due to the graphics and processing power restrictions of consoles.

I could not help but notice this after playing MW2 on the console then playing it on the computer. MW2 on the computer or console cant hold a candle to the eye candy of Crysis on full settings. I now wonder if new FPS multi-platform games like Crysis 2 etc. will have any drastic improvements in the graphics and physics department.

Lets try to keep this thread positive and stay away from a flame war on Consoles vs PCs.
Depends if you compare the graphics to the PC or not.

If you do, they've been outdated for a while

If you don't, then, they probably have a few years left
When the pc gets a hit selling game that cant be done properly on consoles.
Problem is that these days, games are designed for the console first, pc last, if at all.. so.. yea.

That's the part that pisses me off...
You see a kick ass game review and get all hyped up about it.... to find out at the end it'll be on one or both of the consoles, but no mention of PC....fuckers...[/rant]
You can get better graphics on a PC but doesn't seem like their really pushing it far enough to make the console graphics look "outdated" so I say it will be whenever the next console comes out (unless its a Wii or hand held type console). And thats how I've always seen it personally. Even when playing my ps2 after playing a far more graphically superior game on pc it didn't bother me, I just always put the two in different catagories. But when the Xbox360 came out then the ps2 seemed dated...
From the PC vs Console perspective, PCs will always have the advantage of being ahead with graphics. Look at the release cycles of new graphics cards, and even the cycle of DirectX...versus a console which sort of needs to keep a same lineup of hardware for a long period of time for its production run.

Now I'm biased towards PC for gaming, I'm big time into FPS games, but the console still has its place IMO. Some games are just better on the console. And then there are console like the Wii which are just totally different...yet still quite fun. The Wii has very dated graphics for such a new animal, yet...gotta admit some of those games are just fun.
That's the part that pisses me off...
You see a kick ass game review and get all hyped up about it.... to find out at the end it'll be on one or both of the consoles, but no mention of PC....fuckers...[/rant]

That's deliberate, imho. The console gaming industry is more controllable. And none of them want to make consoles look lacking by out doing them with their PC offerings

And as long as PC gamers worship at the feet of proven titles, the industry will be able to guide what happens in it.
It's up to the game developers.

You guys are sounding a lot like the suffering Mac gamers ... but hey, I'm with you too. I wish the market could somehow ditch the consoles. Money talks, and we need to discourage people from purchasing console games in favor of PC.
Console graphics will be outdated once 1080 HD TVs come to market. Oh wait, consoles are already outdated.
Yes, as said, the graphics are outdated when compared to the PC. Makes it funny about people obsessing over differences in graphics of xbox, ps3, and wii versions.

But anyways, I am perfectly happy with my 360's graphics and will continue to be. I am not the graphics whore I once was - I am fine with most Wii games, and whip out my dreamcast often.
I'm not a console gamer, but I believe that consoles run 128bit or higher, while PC's are just now reaching the 64bit plateau. Wish it were the other way around...
Console graphics will become outdated on December 9, 2006.

As for the quote: what in the name of Jebus are you talking about?

I'm not a console gamer, but I believe that consoles run 128bit or higher, while PC's are just now reaching the 64bit plateau. Wish it were the other way around...
I'm not a console gamer, but I believe that consoles run 128bit or higher, while PC's are just now reaching the 64bit plateau. Wish it were the other way around...

Any piece of technology becomes outdated the moment you buy it.
Sry, didn't mean to mislead you guys.. What I was trying to say is that computing power in consoles is greater than in PC's, which effects graphics. For instance, my son has a PS3 that he uses to play Blu-ray on his 50" plasma. I've got a decent PC rig here, but it simply can't compete. Just seems like PC rigs are always playing "catch up" with consoles...
Sry, didn't mean to mislead you guys.. What I was trying to say is that computing power in consoles is greater than in PC's, which effects graphics. For instance, my son has a PS3 that he uses to play Blu-ray on his 50" plasma. I've got a decent PC rig here, but it simply can't compete.

Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? Sleep...sleep
While the PS3 has the fancy Cell CPU and the XBox 360 the eDRAM with its GPU, in the end it's still GeForce 6/7-era hardware with similar hardware limits. While 1080p is a really low res compared to what PC games can run on these days (2560x and up), it seems clear that most limits on the consoles have been reached a while ago already. An AMD 5870 absolutely grinds both HD consoles into a fine powder when comparing performance, and in terms of AI and physics at least the XBox 360 has been in a pickle right from the start, let alone right now with its in-order CPU and no way to off-load anything to the GPU.

The Wii has never pretended to keep up with the PC graphics and thus it's hard to say it's truly outdated when it never really intended to focus on the same market :)

So in short, I'd say that the XBox 360 is heavily outdated at this point, with the PS3 somewhat less so. The Wii could use a HD refresh with more RAM and processing power, but that's about it, as it created its own market.
Sry, didn't mean to mislead you guys.. What I was trying to say is that computing power in consoles is greater than in PC's, which effects graphics. For instance, my son has a PS3 that he uses to play Blu-ray on his 50" plasma. I've got a decent PC rig here, but it simply can't compete. Just seems like PC rigs are always playing "catch up" with consoles...

Sry, didn't mean to mislead you guys.. What I was trying to say is that computing power in consoles is greater than in PC's, which effects graphics. For instance, my son has a PS3 that he uses to play Blu-ray on his 50" plasma. I've got a decent PC rig here, but it simply can't compete. Just seems like PC rigs are always playing "catch up" with consoles...

i have to agree with you guys. Powergaming, i think yours crazy. In no way can a Console, ps3 nor the 360 can touch PC period. dont get me wrong uncharted 2 and killzone 2 look very impressive on console and ive beaten them both BUT nothing can touch crysis.

I own all systems, wii, ps3, 360 and building a new Rig at this moment. The reason i game on consoles is because of exclusives. Allen wake is 360 only, God of war, uncharted 2 and killzone 2 are ps3 only, Crysis is PC only (Until the release the 360/ps3 version.

Either way im happy and i cannot wait to see what crysis is going to do on the Consoles.
In no way can a Console, ps3 nor the 360 can touch PC period.

Figured I'd get flamed over this. I don't own a console, nor do I even like consoles; I run a 285 here on this PC and the graphics are great, but consoles seem to have an (graphics) edge in certain games.
Consoles are outdated already. They're at least three years behind now.
One look at Crysis shows that,if developers really put the effort into designing a game to take advantage of the power of a PC,no console can touch it. The console version of Crysis 2 will be a joke,I just hope the PC version won't be another quick console port rip-off.
If you ask me, console graphics were outdated the moment they began to sell.

I was gaming at 1080P before the 720P XBOX360 came out...
Figured I'd get flamed over this.

That's because you knew you were posting something that...well, how can I state this as politely as I can...yeah, that you shouldn't have bothered posting in the first place.

I don't own a console, nor do I even like consoles; I run a 285 here on this PC and the graphics are great, but consoles seem to have an (graphics) edge in certain games.

You don't own a console, you don't like consoles and yet you're able to make an authoritative statement that you think consoles have an edge in graphics in certain games?

Which games, to be specific, please? That's a fairly beastly GPU you've got that I presume is on a pretty nice rig so I'm going to be real interested to know which console games beat out a setup like that.

What I was trying to say is that computing power in consoles is greater than in PC's, which effects graphics.

Now this is just plain hopeless.
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I think what the pc industry needs is a non-multi platform pc game outsell or match console release numbers. Hopefully Blizzard, when they put out a product, will raise some eyebrows with some good numbers.

Problem stems from the developer, not Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft being the devil. From a business standpoint many would rather invest in a console game as even crap will do well in most cases. On the PC, we expect certain items and anything less we consider crap and avoid the purchase. Many of these items below were succesfully accomplished by developers in the past, but considered an expense now and avoided by most after the CD is pressed.

These expectations for a PC release can range from:
1) No DRM
2) Post release Support
3) Free DLC
4) Demo
5) Major progression in graphics between sequels. Yearly releases are frowned upon.
6) Cheaper price (<$49)

Add this to the poor PC games sales on multiplatform games, and you have reluctance by any developer to invest in that platform.
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Figured I'd get flamed over this. I don't own a console, nor do I even like consoles; I run a 285 here on this PC and the graphics are great, but consoles seem to have an (graphics) edge in certain games.

I don't understand that statement since even if the game is a direct port you get higher res options and AA/AF on PC. Which by default means it looks better.

Just watched my brother game on his PS3 the other day on our 42" LCD TV. The jaggies just killed it for me. Reminds me of firing up GTA IV on PC and realizing that it suffered heavily from being a console port... so much that it completely lacked AA. Completely turned me off.

Another example is FEAR 2. On the PC you have the option of having high res textures. There were many comparisons of PC vs. Console in that respect, and it wasn't even close.

Gamespot likes to do a PC vs. PS3 vs. Xbox360 comparison. PC wins in every title.

If you ask me, console graphics are already outdated. The easy way for game developers to make 'good looking next gen graphics' is to have a HD (720p... no [or very few] PS3 or Xbox360 game is actually native 1080p) game with lots of bright shiny stuff (overzealous bloom etc.).

I don't actually mind that it's "holding back the PC" because we get other stuff on PC like the aforementioned higher res, AA/AF, and the recent eyefinity that I will personally dabble with soon.
Figured I'd get flamed over this. I don't own a console, nor do I even like consoles; I run a 285 here on this PC and the graphics are great, but consoles seem to have an (graphics) edge in certain games.

Are you telling me you spent 4x+ on a PC system thinking that it has worse computing power??