AT&T upgrade: what to get?

Aug 30, 2006
My previous phone was a Samsung Blackjack.

I'm finally eligible for an upgrade (after having my previous phone stolen), so I'm ready for a new phone.

To be perfectly honest, I used my phone more for browsing the Internet than I did making phone calls.

I think I can get a refurbed iPhone for $99, which seems like an okay deal, but I'm open to anything.

I'd like to stay under $200.
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I can wait a month if it's worth it. What does the new iPhone offer over the previous one? More importantly, will it cost any more?
New one might cost more, but even if it doesn't, prices on the older models should drop. As for new features beyond OS 3.0 (available for all iPhone generations), hardware-wise it's all speculation.
if you liked your blackjack the samsung epix is currently really cheap on the refurb for 129.99, im picking one up but thats more because of work than the phones greatness. i personally like to still have a qwerty keypad on top of the touchscreen. And I don't like the data plan requirement on the iphone, not saying the iphones are not nice just my personal reasons for not getting one.
since you said the one thing you loved to do was web browse, then no question, hands down, get an iphone, I have a ATT Fuze right now, its cool, but as far as web browsing goes, the iphone beats it any day.

**and my data plan is just as it was on my iphone
do you have any other factors in this decision? concerns about monthly plan costs, etc?
wrxdrunkie My comment had to do with the required data plan on the iphone, the fact that you have to sign a two year contract for the data plan with the iphone, while other phones you do not have to sign a data plan contract, so if for some reason you dont need it or want to just use wifi you can cancel the data plan, while on the iphone contract you cannot. The iphone is 150 refurb for the 16gb right now so really decent price though
I think the new iphone is supposed to have a sharper resolution... I'm waiting for it... My HTC Tilt is feeling really dated.
do you have any other factors in this decision? concerns about monthly plan costs, etc?

Sorry, I completely forgot about that. The iPhone requires its own wacky data plan, doesn't it? I had an unlimited data plan on my Blackjack, so I just assumed that would transfer over.
I think the new iphone is supposed to have a sharper resolution... I'm waiting for it... My HTC Tilt is feeling really dated.

I hope so. I was really looking forward to the HTC Diamond 2 for that reason, but it's not available in the States, and I wasn't that ecstatic with my Windows mobile experience.
Sorry, I completely forgot about that. The iPhone requires its own wacky data plan, doesn't it? I had an unlimited data plan on my Blackjack, so I just assumed that would transfer over.

Your assumption is right, the plan will just transfer over, now if you were not paying for 3G then that would increase your monthly bill. But if you have the unlimited 3G data plan, then the data portion is prices proportionatly. So just like you, I went from Iphone to fuze, kept the exact same data plan (unlimited) and it costs the same. I pretty much assumed you had the best data plan since you were using a blackjack, which doesnt have wifi. But I would hold off for the newer iphone if I were you, but 150 for a 16gb refurb is a pretty good deal.
Read somewhere that AT&T is getting a palm WebOS phone, called "Eos" or something like that.
Blackberry Curve 2 8900

Are you nuts? Having used the Fuze, Epix, Blackjack, Q, Curve and currently carrying the Bold and iPhone, I also have an E71x sitting on my desk. The iPhone is shoulders above the rest. The Bold is second but not even close. The little I have used the E71x I think it might be a bit better than the bold (after using it I ordered my wife the E71), only if not for the haveing to click the D pad instead of the ball on the bold.

The Curve 8900 is not out yet so we have no idea how it will compair to the other phones on the market. I'm sure it will be a GREAT email machine but it will not beat the iPhone for web browsing.
Sounds like you mostly "play" with your phone. The iPhone was pretty much purpose built for this. It gets stomped pretty badly when compared to other phones on the basis of business or productivity features. For media, web browsing and other "fun" functions the iPhone simply destroys anything else out there right now while at least remaining functional in the other categories.
Are you nuts? Having used the Fuze, Epix, Blackjack, Q, Curve and currently carrying the Bold and iPhone, I also have an E71x sitting on my desk. The iPhone is shoulders above the rest. The Bold is second but not even close. The little I have used the E71x I think it might be a bit better than the bold (after using it I ordered my wife the E71), only if not for the haveing to click the D pad instead of the ball on the bold.

The Curve 8900 is not out yet so we have no idea how it will compair to the other phones on the market. I'm sure it will be a GREAT email machine but it will not beat the iPhone for web browsing.

+1. The bold and e71 are good and all for business/emails, but for web browsing a big touch screen is pretty much mandatory, and the iphone fits the bill.
If you plan on interacting with message boards or making use of more engrossing text entry while browsing, I would consider a refurb Touch Pro (Fuze) for $0. I for one can't stand touchscreen keyboards (iPhone/iTouch inclusive), and I feel that hardware keyboards really improve usability. If you're the same way, the Fuze is a very attractive option that, contrary to popular belief, isn't that far behind with the browsing experience (Opera 9.5 is actually really, really good).
If you plan on interacting with message boards or making use of more engrossing text entry while browsing, I would consider a refurb Touch Pro (Fuze) for $0. I for one can't stand touchscreen keyboards (iPhone/iTouch inclusive), and I feel that hardware keyboards really improve usability. If you're the same way, the Fuze is a very attractive option that, contrary to popular belief, isn't that far behind with the browsing experience (Opera 9.5 is actually really, really good).

Good point here. Unfortunatly all phones are a compromise on something. Otherwise we would only need one phone. I'm not too keen on the iphone keyboard either. If you are dong much text another phone might work better. Personally I have used no better keyboard than the bold. Infact I am using it right now. Simply the best I have ever used.
I have had both the iPhone and the Fuze (using now) and this is 97% no bullshit, accurate. Even the fanboy I am for my iphone, (I really miss it), I have to agree with this. The only thing my Fuze lacks is decent media playback.

Sounds like you mostly "play" with your phone. The iPhone was pretty much purpose built for this. It gets stomped pretty badly when compared to other phones on the basis of business or productivity features. For media, web browsing and other "fun" functions the iPhone simply destroys anything else out there right now while at least remaining functional in the other categories.