Asus VG278HE for FPS gaming?


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2006
Hello all. I just bought a LG 42" here I use it as my primary display. I hear amazing things of 144hz for intense online games. I am considering purchasing the Asus VG278HE for gaming and my TV for multimedia and everyday tasks. I use an L shape desk and would use headphones + the asus for COD ghosts and BF4 and have the monitor on the side. On the other end I would have my logitech z5500's + tv for movies, music, browsing, etc.

I have xfire 7950's to push 144fps or close to it. Is this a waste of money or a good idea? Thoughts?

I am tired of being in ~3rd place in matches due to input lag on TV's and not to mention I use a wireless mouse + keyboard from logitech that goes for $150ish. Totally torn here. Love to hear input of people who went from 60hz to 144hz.
I recently went from 60hz (actually my old monitor OC'd to 74) to 111hz on a slightly defective QNIX.

the difference is night and day. especially in FPS.

I just tried BF3 today for the first time since I got the screen, you IMMEDIATELY notice its faster. it actually took me a round or two to get used to it/process it.

I then got 18-1 kdr and 23-0 in the last two rounds I played.

I didn't notice with my old monitor too much difference between 60-74hz, but when I went from 60-111 on this QNIX... its totally different.

even for non-fps. a game like World Of Warcraft, when you turn around your character/camera really fast you can easily tell if you're at 110+ or at 60hz. not too much difference/ cant really tell when raiding and not moving fast though for that game.

I really recommend everyone at least TRY a 110+hz monitor, even buy one at bestbuy and return it 14 days later just to see the immense difference. it'll change a lot of games for you.

as a side note, I like what Mark is doing with his push of 120hz awareness. :p
Do any of the Korean manufacturers make a panel like the QNIX that includes a bypassable scalar and multiple inputs? I'm stuck with multiple conflicting feature desires... my gaming pit is primarily for the PC, but I've also got a 360 and PS3 plugged into my (aging) 25" Asus 19x12. The Titan in the PC could drive a 1440 display fine, but I'd be left without a display solution for the consoles.

A 32" Korean at 1440 with a LB strobe, bypassable scalar and HDMI/VGA inputs, with TN refresh speeds is my wish list, but that's just a dream right now. If they'd fix the 120Hz input bug on the 39" Seiki I'd buy it instantly, but without it it's too much of a compromise.
60hz to 120hz or 144hz is OK, but the real deal is when you go from anything to light boosted 120hz. Without light boost its just OK you get too much smearing to deal with.

The regular H model is better than the HE. I own the exact monitor you are talking about.
For the OP that may not be aware of LightBoost, that's a strobe backlight that makes it strobe like a 120Hz CRT, with significant further motion blur reductions (especially during full 120fps @ 120Hz fast panning motions). This is good if you want CRT quality motion in an LCD.
120Hz with LightBoost with wired KB and mouse would definitely improve your scores in FPS games over 60Hz TV that in best case scenario have around 33ms input lag alone (or worse, LG is kinda famous for laggy TVs) + lag from wireless tech

there is day and night difference between 60Hz and 120Hz+LB, especially playing faster games like Quake Live. Once you see it there is no going back :)
120Hz with LightBoost with wired KB and mouse would definitely improve your scores in FPS games over 60Hz TV that in best case scenario have around 33ms input lag alone (or worse, LG is kinda famous for laggy TVs) + lag from wireless tech

there is day and night difference between 60Hz and 120Hz+LB, especially playing faster games like Quake Live. Once you see it there is no going back :)

How bad is the input lag of wireless KB and mouse as I can only really do my setup this way. I think im getting a k800 keyboard and a g602 mouse when it comes up which is supported to have a dedicated frequency band to reduce lag.
Whats the best 120hz lightboost monitor that is 27" or larger.
ASUS VG278H, then BENQ XL2720T

No LightBoost monitors bigger than 27" at this time. For a bigger screen with a similar low-motion-blur experience, try Sony Motionflow "Impulse" (Sony's low-lag interpolation-free strobe backlight) or the Panasonic Neoplasma panels (mostly discontinued).