ASUS ROG STRIX GeForce GTX 1070 O8G-GAMING Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
ASUS ROG STRIX GeForce GTX 1070 O8G-GAMING Review - We will take ASUS’ top-of-the-line ROG STRIX GeForce GTX 1070 O8G-GAMING OC Edition video card and find out how it compares to the GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition. We will also push overclocking as far as we can and find out what performance advantages that allows.
I'm glad to see this review, though slightly over two months after I purchased mine. I haven't stressed the card yet in any way; the initial boost and slight decrease in clock frequency matches my own. FWIW, I have not installed any of the ASUS crapware nor installed the graphics driver as downloaded from nVidia (the base Windows 10 Insider Edition-supplied nVidia driver has worked flawlessly so far).
This is getting bored with Single GPU reviews. damn, we need some competition or we will have single GPU reviews forever... anyway, as always, great review Brent.
This is getting bored with Single GPU reviews. damn, we need some competition or we will have single GPU reviews forever... anyway, as always, great review Brent.

Thanks, a good way to look at this is from an overclocking perspective, and the highest overclock we achieve, and how that improves performance over the factory overclock plus the standard clock speeds. You will also want to take note of the factory overclock manufacturers are providing and how close that comes to our manual highest stable overclock.

The GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 are in unique positions, with no competition from AMD currently. However, we have 1060 and 480 card reviews to look forward to, with which we can make comparisons between.
Great review and impressed with performance gains over the Founder's Edition at a cheaper price with better everything configuration. With a more mature Pascal environment as in drivers I would request SLI testing, maybe still too early yet. I may go SLI but uncertain if that would be as beneficial as before.
This is getting bored with Single GPU reviews. damn, we need some competition or we will have single GPU reviews forever... anyway, as always, great review Brent.

I was about to comment something like that. ;)
The reviews are boring if you don't have a comparison with AMD's cards. The FuryX is a similar performing GPU, so i think that it should have been added during the tests.
I was about to comment something like that. ;)
The reviews are boring if you don't have a comparison with AMD's cards. The FuryX is a similar performing GPU, so i think that it should have been added during the tests.

First, thank you for your feedback.

I'm going to make a bold personal opinion statement, you may disagree with me, that is ok. It is my opinion that anyone looking at new GPUs right now for gaming are not looking backwards at or considering a Fury X. Gamers are considering current generation Polaris 460/470/480, or Pascal 1060/1070/1080, OR waiting for AMD Vega or NV Volta, or whatever it is next gen from both.

When we setup comparisons and reviews, we use current generation GPUs. The lack of competition from AMD is on AMD.

In addition, we have made Fury X / 1080 comparisons at the onset of the 1080 launch. You can easily find those reviews if you are curious how that stacks up, to keep including it each and every time would be extremely repetitive, the results would always be the same.
GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition Review
Introduction - ASUS ROG GTX 1080 STRIX GAMING Video Card Review
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Brent, keep in mind that if you check my past comments, you will easily understand that i never hid my sympathy for NVidia's GPUs (*although i want to believe that even if i am an NVidia let's say... fanboy, i always try to be objective at my comments).
So, you have an NVidia "fanboy" saying that the reviews with the lack of AMD's side are boring!!! This should be more than enough feedback in my opinion!!! ;)
-P.S. FuryX, in lot of DirectX12 & Vulcan titles is similar (*by similar i mean close enough) performing to a GTX1070, that's why i asked for comparison between those 2.
(*1080GTX is far in front of AMD's competition so in 1080GTX's case i would never ask you a similar request)
I bought this card about 2 months ago, and I'm very happy with it. Building into a ML08, it's pretty much the biggest card you can get, so be mindful using this if you're working with a small case. It's beastly (And looks really pretty when color cycling the LEDs)!
I'm actually upgrading from my GTX 960 (and in the market right now), and it looks like based upon the review I'll get this card. Thanks Kyle and Brent for the review!
Brent, keep in mind that if you check my past comments, you will easily understand that i never hid my sympathy for NVidia's GPUs (*although i want to believe that even if i am an NVidia let's say... fanboy, i always try to be objective at my comments).
So, you have an NVidia "fanboy" saying that the reviews with the lack of AMD's side are boring!!! This should be more than enough feedback in my opinion!!! ;)
-P.S. FuryX, in lot of DirectX12 & Vulcan titles is similar (*by similar i mean close enough) performing to a GTX1070, that's why i asked for comparison between those 2.
(*1080GTX is far in front of AMD's competition so in 1080GTX's case i would never ask you a similar request)

You sir, are a blatantly trolling.

Brent is correct here, and in the past Kyle and everyone who does reviews (or has reviewed equipment) for [H] has called out companies like AMD when it doesn't smell right. Get your fucking facts straight before you get straight eviscerated, because you clearly have no facts.
You sir, are a blatantly trolling.

Brent is correct here, and in the past Kyle and everyone who does reviews (or has reviewed equipment) for [H] has called out companies like AMD when it doesn't smell right. Get your fucking facts straight before you get straight eviscerated, because you clearly have no facts.

You sir, how exactly did you conclude that i have no facts? Did i tell you that i have no facts, or are you some sort of magician who reads minds and you concluded by yourself that i have no facts?:rolleyes:
Check here if you want, MSI GTX 1070 Gaming Z 8 GB Review and you will notice that i speak with facts. The FuryX, just like i said in my previous post , has similar performance with the 1070GTX in several DX12 & Vulcan games. If you check the review, you will notice that the 2 GPUs have similar performance in the following games: Batman:Arkham Knight, COD:Black OPS3, DeusEX:Mankind divided, DOOM, F1 2016, Rainbow Six: Siege, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Total War: Warhammer.

-So, how exactly have you concluded that i have no facts? Can you please enlighten me?
The 1070 and 980 Ti trade blows for the most part; it's what made my purchasing decision rather difficult with some of the 980 Ti deals that were happening (I'm sure they still are but I'm not in the market any more so I stopped looking). The Fury X is a 980 Ti contender so it's not out of line to wonder how the Fury X would hold up in HardOCP reviews, especially with some of the deals I've heard about for that card.

Now Brent/Kyle may be completely correct that no one is considering AMD against either the 1070 or 1080 (and it's Kyle's site so he can do whatever he wants with or without our approval) but in the case of the 1070 I wouldn't mind seeing how the Fury X holds up.
You sir, how exactly did you conclude that i have no facts? Did i tell you that i have no facts, or are you some sort of magician who reads minds and you concluded by yourself that i have no facts?:rolleyes:
Check here if you want, MSI GTX 1070 Gaming Z 8 GB Review and you will notice that i speak with facts. The FuryX, just like i said in my previous post , has similar performance with the 1070GTX in several DX12 & Vulcan games. If you check the review, you will notice that the 2 GPUs have similar performance in the following games: Batman:Arkham Knight, COD:Black OPS3, DeusEX:Mankind divided, DOOM, F1 2016, Rainbow Six: Siege, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Total War: Warhammer.

-So, how exactly have you concluded that i have no facts? Can you please enlighten me?

First...You can't play a benchmark.
Second...The Fury X is last gen

So a review based upon benchmarks with last gen HW in the mix seems like an academic exercise trying to prove a point that has negligible value.
First...You can't play a benchmark.
Second...The Fury X is last gen

So a review based upon benchmarks with last gen HW in the mix seems like an academic exercise trying to prove a point that has negligible value.

So exactly what i asked then:
I asked from [H] to add FuryX in order to see results in real game world. Then we will be able to notice if there are any different results between real world gaming and benchmarks, otherwise, what you said is simply theory.
So exactly what i asked then:
I asked from [H] to add FuryX in order to see results in real game world. Then we will be able to notice if there are any different results between real world gaming and benchmarks, otherwise, what you said is simply theory.

Time = not free

Explain to me how the [H] would make money off of doing this test in anyway shape or form? If you can't...ACADEMIC.
What exactly is your point, i don't understand.
You mean that [H] will make money by comparing ASUS GTX1070 with the Founder's GTX1070, but it wouldn't make money if they add a competitor (FuryX) card as well? o_O
On the contrary, in my opinion, the webpage will have many more viewers (AMD's fans) if they add an AMD card as well.
Look what happened during our discussion: when we needed to compare GTX1070 with FuryX, i had to put a link from Techpowerup's site. If [H] had a similar comparison, i wouldn't need to do that.

P.S. Of course, this is only my personal opinion since i don't know how much the cost from operating a site will be.
I just know -(again personal opinion as a member, and i believe that Brent will consider it as feedback)- that if i can't get the info i need at [H], i'll have to look at Techpowerup, or Anandtech or whatever, so other sites are gaining publicity.
It should be obvious that the intent is to show the difference between the asus strix model and the initial release version of this card. if you want to see the fury x in the mix go back to the initial 1070 review.
What exactly is your point, i don't understand.
You mean that [H] will make money by comparing ASUS GTX1070 with the Founder's GTX1070, but it wouldn't make money if they add a competitor (FuryX) card as well? o_O
On the contrary, in my opinion, the webpage will have many more viewers (AMD's fans) if they add an AMD card as well.
Look what happened during our discussion: when we needed to compare GTX1070 with FuryX, i had to put a link from Techpowerup's site. If [H] had a similar comparison, i wouldn't need to do that.

P.S. Of course, this is only my personal opinion since i don't know how much the cost from operating a site will be.
I just know -(again personal opinion as a member, and i believe that Brent will consider it as feedback)- that if i can't get the info i need at [H], i'll have to look at Techpowerup, or Anandtech or whatever, so other sites are gaining publicity.

But there is a point where there is no value comparing older products. I do understand that Fury X was a competitor to 980TI and the 1070 performance is comparable to 980TI, one can argue should we throw in 980TI as well since it offers similar performance? While it maybe useful, there are plenty of other sites that does 1070 to Fury X comparison or even just inferring to own [H] numbers on their previous reviews. If anything, it just shows the sad state of the GPU market where AMD has no response to GTX 1070 and must rely on a product that is more than a year old.
Very impressive, particularly when compared to the MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8G reviewed last month.

Here's what saving $220 gets you:

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: 20% difference in avg framerate at the same settings
Doom Vulkan: 20% difference in avg framerate at the same settings
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 1080 was 12% slower, but used 2X SSAA vs the 1070's SMAA
Witcher 3: 1080 maintained 17% faster avg framerate while using 8X AA Ultra on Hairworks vs 4X AA Ultra for the 1070
Fallout 4: 13% difference in avg framerate

1080 used 15% more power than the 1070
1080 ran 6 degrees hotter than the 1070, but at a lower fan speed

If money is no object, you'd be foolish to not to get one of the custom-cooled 1080s.
For the rest of us, though, the ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1070 OC Edition deserves some serious consideration.
Just received this card today from Amazon. Absolutely loving it, thanks for the review guys!
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I can't figure out Newegg's pricing, but I bought this card, a $92.99 wi-fi card, and a $9.99 fan and it came to $472.98 - what I was billed, no gift card or rebate. That'd put the card at $370.
I can't figure out Newegg's pricing, but I bought this card, a $92.99 wi-fi card, and a $9.99 fan and it came to $472.98 - what I was billed, no gift card or rebate. That'd put the card at $370.

You could look at your invoice...
You could look at your invoice...


$59.99 Discount

But it doesn't say what the discount was applied to. The card was listed at $429.99 with $20.00 Rebate, but I got no rebate voucher. That would still put it at $512.97, not $472.98. Maybe it was an Asus special bundle, the wifi card was also Asus. It gives gig speed over wifi, pretty happy with that since the M8G doesn't have built in wifi. And the 1070 Strix is humming right along.
Just a heads up that all the new Asus Strix 1 TX O8G 1070 cards now using the inferior Micron memory which severely limits the overclocking potential, and users won't see anywhere the speeds attained in the HardOCP review. My brother and I both have the same Asus Strix GTX 1070 O8G Gaming cards; his has Samsung GDDR5, and mine which I ordered about a month after him has come with the Micron GDDR5. On his, he is able to get an amazing memory overclock of 1300 Mhz putting him at an effective rate of 9300 Mhz, very similar to the speeds attained by HardOCP. With my Micron equipped 1070, I am only only able to get a 300 Mhz for a effective rate of 8600. This is with the latest ASUS BIOS that is supposed to incorporate the Micron fix. After reading through a number of enthusiast forums, this seems to be about the average overclock for these memory modules.

Quite a substantial difference between the two cards. With the new Micron equipped cards having much less overclocking potential compared to the earlier Samsung equipped models sent out to reviewers, I can't help but feel this is a bit of a bait and switch on Asus' part.