Asus Prime B350-Plus & D.O.C.P. = No USB


[H]F Junkie
Sep 5, 2001
I have an Asus Prime B350-Plus w/ Ryzen 1700 and 2 16GB sticks of Team Delta DDR4 3000. On my intel setup, these sticks ran at their rated speeds .. they only do 2400 stable on this board ..

.. I know that will probably get worked out with future BIOS updates ..etc .. I am currently on the 0805 BIOS.

My issue is when I enable D.O.C.P. in the AI Overclock Tuner .. The memory boots at its rated XMP profile settings .. Butt!! .. I lose all my USB ports.

I have to plug in a PS2 keyboard to navigate the BIOS settings and get it turned off to get my USB functionality back.

I tried turning off the USB ports, rebooting and then turn them back on while D.O.C.P. is enabled, but still nothing .. I boot into windows and they don't magically start working .. all the settings in the BIOS say the USB ports are on, but nothing plugged into any of my USB ports (back panel or front) function... until I turn off the D.O.C.P. settings.

Any ideas? .. is this a known issue that I missed in my lazy google searching? or am I the only one with this "issue". :eek:
I recently upgraded from Micron Ballistix 2400 to (Samsung?) Trident Z 3200 memory, running same Prime B350+, same 0805, letting D.O.C.P. handle XMP.
Under no circumstances would the old memory boot at anything over 2400. And the new memory seems to be stable only at JEDEC 2133 and D.O.C.P. 3200.
3200 is working just fine, D.O.C.P. seems to have increased the ram voltage to 1.35V was maybe a large piece of the solution.

I'm not experiencing any USB problems that I can tell, and I often randomly plug USB stuff in just wherever. Have not made any efforts to clean out any junk
settings they have left behind, though it might be getting about time. My Dell XEON at work does just what you describe all the time unless I purge all unused
drivers gathering moss. I can recommend Lost in the Dark's Drive Store Explorer, and Uwe Seiber's Device Cleanup Tool.

Several of your USB are inside the Ryzen, not the B350. Might try upping your System On a Chip voltage?
Might be your memory controller is driving too hard, not leaving enough juice to work the USB properly.
My own daft theory, or invent your own...

Also, did you remember to short your CMOS settings clean when you last updated that BIOS?
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I reset to defaults in the BIOS, I didn't actually short the pins.

With the new 0806 BIOS, USB "works" using D.O.C.P. .. but not 100% stable. Watching Youtube videos with my USB headphones, it glitches every few minutes where the video will buffer and I have to turn my headphones back on .. and then eventurally I'll get a blue screen.

Running at 2400 speeds and Auto .. no issues. I'll give 2600 a try and see how it does. With 0805, it worked, but odd glitches would come up or programs would take a lot longer to load ..etc ..