ASUS P5K Deluxe and 4 X 1GB RAM setup

Cheers, calebb. That's the RAM i'm planning on getting!

So the floppy drive cover thing can definitely be taken out and replaced by a 120mm fan module (if the 2 drive bays above that are removed)? I don't know whether to get the PC-A16 instead of this case; what do you think?

Oops, I missed this message! Yeah, I think the 2 drive bays could be replaced by a 120mm fan - you'd need to find a kit I guess. But it fits standard CDROM drives, so I imagine a standard fan conversion kit would work great :)
Oops, I missed this message! Yeah, I think the 2 drive bays could be replaced by a 120mm fan - you'd need to find a kit I guess. But it fits standard CDROM drives, so I imagine a standard fan conversion kit would work great :)

This is what i'd use, and it would replace 3x 5.25" drive bays.
Wow - that looks slick. Yeah, it would fit perfectly. Would you put your hard drives in it or just use it for extra case ventilation?

I hadn't seen that kit before - quite tempting :) I would love to lower my northbridge temps a bit and that might be a great place for another intake fan.
I'd just use it as extra intake. If i got that, i'd also put another couple of 120mm fans stacked on top of each other on the metal divider below the motherboard; this would blow cool air across the whole motherboard. However, because i want the windowed side panel, i think i'm going to get the V1000.
Hey - for just a fan intake, this part might be less expensive:

So, after looking at my setup, there really isn't any significant air flow over the motherboard chipset. It looks like the heatpipe system is basically designed to use the stock Intel HSF - which blows air down over the CPU and out across the heatpipe heatsinks.

Most people say that running your northbridge at 45-55c isn't a problem - but I'm sure things would last longer, stability would be improved and power consumptions would be lower if I could lower those temps.

If I reversed that side exhaust fan, it would blow air over the motherboard, but that would seriously mess up the existing airflow in the case I think.
I have a double slot card-cooler that I could drop in there below my 8800 - that might get some air moving around the chipset coolers -
Your suggestions of stacking a couple 120mm fans on top of each other on the divider is a good idea - that would the the air blowing right over the motherboard - but it would blow against the air from the rear intake / CPU fans unless I reversed those.
Yeah, i was assuming that hte rear fan would be reversed. That fan holder would probably be better than the HDD cage that i suggested, but i don't think i can find them in the UK anyhere. I think i'm going to be getting the Stacker 830 instead, that way i can have 2 HDD fan modules and still have 3 drive bays remained. It may not be as good quality, but it'll be good at air cooling my rig and ensure cool air is blown across the whole motherboard.
Any reason to get the P5K Deluxe over the regular if I don't care about WiFi?
I'd be willing to bet that the deluxe overclocks much better than the standard p5k.
Many of the ultra high performance modules are only tested in 2x1GB configurations. If you want to run a 4GB setup I suggest going with a 2x2GB kit instead. That's really the path of least resistance. There is a Corsiar 4x1GB kit and a couple other companies offer this as well, but I don't have experience with those.

I was however able to make 4x1GB of OCZ Flex XLC PC2-9200 modules work on a P5W DH which surprised me.
If you want to run a 4GB setup I suggest going with a 2x2GB kit instead. That's really the path of least resistance.

Dan, any particular 2x2GB memory kits you would recommend for the P5K Deluxe board? I have been thinking about getting the below G.Skill 2 x 2GB DDR2 800 Cas5 5 5-5-5-15 kit for my new build or would you recommend a different 2x2GB kit instead? Price is really not an issue for me as I want the best but I am not too interested in OCing the memory, just the E6600 proc.
Dan, any particular 2x2GB memory kits you would recommend for the P5K Deluxe board? I have been thinking about getting the below G.Skill 2 x 2GB DDR2 800 Cas5 5 5-5-5-15 kit for my new build or would you recommend a different 2x2GB kit instead? Price is really not an issue for me as I want the best but I am not too interested in OCing the memory, just the E6600 proc.



Or this:

I've had awesome luck with OCZ ram in general as of late, but the G.Skill operates with the lowest voltages. Patriot is a favorite amongst [H] forum users but I've never touched the stuff personally.