ASUS P5B Deluxe - SLI? please help


Aug 6, 2006
Ok so I have read that you can have this board perform SLI. Unfortunately from what I understand it can only run 16X on one pcie and 4X on the other. I bought the board with the misconception it would be easy to set up. If anyone has information on how to set this up please resond. I am sure there are other people making this mistake as well. Since most of the other Deluxe boards are on backorder since C2D release.

Thanks in Advance.
You had more misconceptions than you realize. The P5B Deluxe does not support SLI. I don't even think that the P965 chipset can support SLI. The P975x intel chipset supports Crossfire and can be made to support SLI with hacked drivers.
I was told the same thing about sli on this board, but I was looking at it and both pcie slots say 16x by them. I'd imagine with some modded drivers you could get sli to run no problem. Just not quad sli.
Ok. I ordered a new mobo. With SLI True X16 x2. But its an nForce chipset.

Thank you very much for your input.
one last question about this board, what is the default Vram?

will this boot with 2.0V or 2.1V ram? or is it set to 1.9V?
Yikes be careful with nforce4 intel edition as the fsb is very limited ~350 i think. Should hold out til nforce 570/590 intel edition if you can.