Asus G73 vs ??


Nov 24, 2006
Friend of mine's girlfriend is buying him a gaming laptop to replace his dying desktop. As far as I know size isn't an issue since he is currently lugging his desktop between destinations. It's a surprise gift so we can't just ask him what he wants.

From what I've been reading the G73 seems to be king of the hill in gaming laptops for best value as long as you don't mind the size. I'd tell her to buy the 15" version for the increased mobility but still can't find a concrete release date.

It looks like gentechpc and xoticpc both have good ratings and comparable price, any input?

Ordinarily I'd make the plunge but since I'm playing with someone elses money I'd figure I'd get a 2nd opinion. Any other particular models to look at? I saw some of the Sager and MSI options.

Thanks in advance.
Yeah, the G73 is a good choice...plenty of power in there for gaming...plenty.

Just do keep in mind that the "Mobility 5870" in the G73 is more like a desktop version of the its fast for a laptop...but DO NOT expect to be able to play the latest and greatest DX11 games at 1080p maxed can not do so.

Also, look at going to BestBuy and getting their has a 1600x900 screen that still looks good but is a little easier on the GPU running native resolution than you can get a few more frames per second. Its also a bit cheaper too...and even though it only has 4GB of RAM rather than 8GB, 4GB is plenty of RAM.

Besides that its a solid of the best for gaming currently besides those that have the GTX480m or some SLI/Crossfired GPU's.

Its got a solid chassis and GREAT cooling...ONLY downside to it is that it has no eSATA...which I didnt like.

Either case though, for the money its hard to beat...but like I said, look into getting the BestBuy version to ease up on the wallet a bit and help those games run a little faster with the lower resolution screen.
We looked at the Best Buy version and the guy is pretty rough on his stuff so would probably have to buy the accidental damage warranty since it doesn't come with the free one through Asus and then you're back up to the cost of the regular version. Otherwise I would have told her to save the $300.

He plays WoW, SC2 and stuff like that. As far as I know there won't be much of any FPS playing.
The G73 is still the way to go...maybe look at getting a refurbished model or maybe an older G72/G71 with a more than powerful enough GTX 260m...either case tell him to be a little more careful with his stuff or anything will break........
Ended up ordering the G73 w/o the blu-ray. From Xoticpc vs Gentechpc simply because they had it in stock and offered free ground shipping. Both had good reviews.