Asus crap


Mar 17, 2011
I've only had my P8P67 B3 board for less than a week and now it's starting to lose one of my two hard drives,both of which are on the 3GB sockets. This is on top of the problem with the keyboard and mouse freezing from a cold boot. Tomorrow I'll be ordering a Gigabyte mobo and will never buy an Asus product again. :mad:
luckily i bought a replacement plan for my P8P67 deluxe at Microcenter. Guaranteed replacement or full credit for a better board if anything goes wrong. I dont buy the extended warranty on anything... but MB's are an exception.
I've only had my P8P67 B3 board for less than a week and now it's starting to lose one of my two hard drives,both of which are on the 3GB sockets. This is on top of the problem with the keyboard and mouse freezing from a cold boot. Tomorrow I'll be ordering a Gigabyte mobo and will never buy an Asus product again. :mad:

Perhaps you've only had your B3 board for less than a week and one of your two hard drives is starting to fail....stuff like this can blame this on a mobo, but only a few nut-cases will believe you.
I've only had my P8P67 B3 board for less than a week and now it's starting to lose one of my two hard drives,both of which are on the 3GB sockets. This is on top of the problem with the keyboard and mouse freezing from a cold boot. Tomorrow I'll be ordering a Gigabyte mobo and will never buy an Asus product again. :mad:

My last two builds using different motherboards/CPU/RAM have had the same problem with USB freezing upon boot (not every time, but every other time or so). I believe it is a Logitech driver, as I didn't notice it until I started using my surround headphones and the right software for my Logitech G15. Haven't had a problem other than that. Sorry to hear you're having troubles.

Be sure to use the tools available from your HDD manufacturer's website to ensure that it's the motherboard and not the hdds that is crapping out. Weird that they would have a problem, since there haven't been many problems with HDDs on the 3gb ports. Perhaps try the 6gb or the Marvell controller to see if you get the same problem? Also check the cables. I've had crappy cable connections almost destroy all of the data on a hdd that I kept my important information on. I now RAID important information by default.
I get the freeze issue using ps2 or usb keyboard and mouse, I've used the tools from Maxtor to test my problem hard drive and it tests out fine. I've replaced the cable to it so I'll try it on a 6Gig port or the Marvell controller and see what happens.