Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe with Crucial Ballistix PC4000 Memory


Apr 25, 2005
Hi guys, I know this combo is old, but I recently aquired these and I'm having issue.

I'm running Windows 7 Beta. Just received the memory today and I put it in and try to boot. When it tries to boot, it keeps saying "Boot manager corrupted" or problem or something like that. I thought, what the heck. I put in my old memory, it boots fine. Put Crucial memory back in, same problem. So far I've tried Auto (or default) and Manual, both settings give the same error message.

My old memory is Ultra brand (so my seller claimed awhile back) and PC-3200 speed.

I ran Memtest 2.11 on the Crucial for a few hours (1 or 2 passes) without any errors so now I don't understand why the problem of booting up Windows 7. Haven't tried on another OS yet...

Any ideas?
Sounds a lot like bad memory. This happened to me a while back when I used bad memory with Win 2000pro and XP Pro. It continually crashed on almost every boot. I took out the bad memory and it worked great.

If you have multiple memory sticks of the PC4000, try only a singe stick, and swap them out to determine which one is bad. If it continues to crash after trying both separately, both (or more) sticks are bad.

Good luck!

EDIT: I just noticed, that mobo is the model right above mine. Heh, the classic SLI mobos from '05, ftw.
So I guess Memtest is not able to detect the problem, then? The only thing I haven't tried is change Command Rate from 1T to 2T and see if it makes any difference. Should I?

Edited/Added: I actually have two sticks, so I will try one stick at a time and see what happens...
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Oh boy, these Crucial memory modules run super hot! They are almost not that how hot they suppose to run or what?
yeah they do run hot.. but the actual problem is windows 7.. its a problem that existed in vista as well when you change hardware it freaks out..

i had 2x1GB ddr2 pc-6400 ballistix tracer.. that crap ran hot as heck even at 2.1v.. try taking the windows 7 disc and do a boot repair and see if it fixes the problem..
If I'm not mistaken, the problem may have something to do with any OCing and Command Rate setting. If I OC, intermittently, it may act up. Sometimes a mix of changing Command Rate timing and OCing, it may act up. If everything is at stock, it may or may not act up if I change the Command Rate timing. Definitely it doesn't want to work with 1T if four sticks are installed. With two sticks installed, sometimes 1T will trigger it, sometimes it doesn't. Like I said, it's intermittently, so I don't know what to make out of it. It's very weird. For now, it's at stock and 2T and so far it's calm...
I have an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe with the same memory that you have. I have to run it at 2T command rate or the system will not boot. Awhile back I contacted Asus about running Vista, their tech told me that the 939 mbs. would not support it. They didn't write the drivers to support it, and the demand isn't great enough for them to bother with it. Since Windows 7 evolved from Vista(?), you might have driver issues with some of your hardware. Good luck getting it to work though. If it works for you I may give it a try.
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I think it's Crucial's memory that is having the 1T timing issue. I have another kit (Ultra 2x1GB) that I can run 1T all day w/o a single hiccup. As soon as I put in the Crucial, problem just starts left and right.

I do not experience any issue with Vista or Windows 7 on the Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe. The memory problem is my only one.
I think it's Crucial's memory that is having the 1T timing issue. I have another kit (Ultra 2x1GB) that I can run 1T all day w/o a single hiccup. As soon as I put in the Crucial, problem just starts left and right.

I do not experience any issue with Vista or Windows 7 on the Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe. The memory problem is my only one.

i have crucial ballistix tracer pc-6400 ram.. ran it at 2.11v @ 4-4-4-12-1T and at 1000mhz @ 2.11v @ 5-5-5-18-1T timing for 8 months with no issues but not with that board combination you have.. though the memory went on a slow friggin death soon after that 8 months to the point that i had to run it at 2.45v to even get my system to boot with the memory.. but thats a known issue with the tracer version..
have you tried using one stick alone? changing memory slots? I got the same mobo with 2x1GB supertalent running happily at 275 CL1. I remember the ballistix were the fastest but used to break down easily due to heat problems. I would try a clean install with the memory to see what happens....or maybe another PC?

By the way did you say is working OK at 2T?
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Yeap, I've tried pretty much everything except using one stick, which defeats the purpose of having 2GBs anyway, so I didn't try it. I will try it on another PC and see if how they work. I pretty much gave up and have stored them away the last few weeks.

It seems like they want to work when they want to times they would work at 2T, other times, they just wouldn't even the BIOS remains unchaged everything else. This is the kind of problem someone would pull their hair if it's their main machine...fortunately, it's not my main PC, so I could go without it.
Hey, I have a question, kinda indirectly related. I havent worked or let alone seen my PC for about 2 years now and finally in a week I'll get to see it and will do some adjustments to it. my question is I also have this board (my sig) now I think I have XP32bit installed with 2gb RAM, so if I install XP64bit and 2gb more RAM, will it be picked up in the BIOS as well as in the OS? One last question, how much will my FX60 sell for???
yes it would be picked up no problem with vista 64 on first install.. just seems vista freaks out after you change it and it doesnt match when it was first installed..

FX60 would probably sell for sub 100 dollars.. they really arent all that popular anymore..