asus a8n-sli deluxe new vif card

Nov 16, 2004
ok i have some what of an out dated system, i have a asus a8nsli deluxe it has ddr400 i want to upgrade my vid card i have found a 7600gt on sale but its ddr3, i spoke to some one who said that i cannot use a ddr3 vid card on a ddr mobo. is this true and i limited to ddr vid card which are getting harder to fine for gaming? or can i use a ddr3 card with out any problems?
I'm using an 8800GT on my a8n-sli deluxe while the rest of my new rig is in transit to my house, slow ass UPS.
You can even use DDR4 vga cards as long as you have PCI-E slots

which i say you have " SLI"

so no worries, and stop listining to anyone.