Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe BIOS update problems


Feb 23, 2004
Well, when i got this board i was happy but since then nothing but problems.

The bios version is 0903 and at first it detected my IDE drive (320 GB WD) and my CD rom drive. I also set up the raid options cause i bought 2 74 GB SATA raptors and was going to stripe them.

I could not get the array to setup as master so i set the boot order and the computer still said there was no IDE master.

So i go to asus' website and download awdflash and the 1014 bios and i make the ms-dos boot disk and trasfer it over and when i did the update it asked for me to enter the bios name and i did. After i pressed enter it did nothing so i pressed it again and it said please wait....

then the video went black and the computer did a constant beep and froze.

After i turned it back on my IDE drive does not show up nor my CD drive. The two SATA drives show up but it still wont boot from them, and when i do try and boot from them it does not even give me errors it just gives me a black screen witch a bunch of random colored rectangles.

This really makes me angry cause the guys at asus were no help and i am at a loss...

i just want to update my bios and have everything actually show up!

anyone have any ideas?

i just want to update my bios and have everything actually show up!

Asus a8i-sli deluxe

thanks in advance.
heya keith

yes several time and to no avail. I tried older bioses and different versions of the awdflasher and still no luck.

edit: also i tried to use the CD that came with it to revert back but it wont even boot as the cd drive is not detected.
The "won't post" is because you rolled back to an earlier BIOS. That was an issue in the very very early BIOS on the A8N-SLI.

Don't run the Raptors in RAID 0. RAID 0 is a very bad idea and lowers performance. I don't have time to explain in great detail why, suffice to say that A) sequential transfer rate is not the important thing, access time is; B) RAID 0 makes access time worse; C) RAID 0 increases CPU utilization and most games are CPU bound so it increases load times; D) RAID 0 is very unreliable, not just because of the double chance of hardware failure but due to the controller and SCSI miniport driver which are nowhere near as well tested as the Windows in-box IDE drivers. There are only very rare corner-cases where RAID 0 provides any benefit whatsoever, such as systems dedicated to processing huge video files. Otherwise you are much better off leaving the Raptors separate and putting the paging file on the non-OS drive to split the workload.

Reflash to 1016, use the CMOS Reset jumper, turn off RAID and you're good to go.
