

Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2004
I heard some people talk about asterisk which I think relates to voIP, but I havn't found clear info on what it does. Is it possible to configure without too much trouble, if anyone has a website or information on using it in an home network i'd be glad to hear it.
Google for "asterisk wiki", you'll be glad you did.

Asterisk isn't for the faint of heart. The learning curve is a bit steep, especially for those of us that don't have a background in telephony.

That said, it's hardly on the same level of sendmail ( which I'm told requires blood sacrifices ). And once you get the basics, it's pretty easy to configure.

I'm using it at home and I have a small office setup on it. The office wanted a call center type of enviroment ( call queues with stats, voicemail boxes, ect... ). Avaya wanted about 35k for the equipment+install, and that was a low rough estimate. With asterisk, I did it in about 7k, with redunancy out the yin-yang.