Assassins Creed PS3/360


Sep 29, 2007
Which version of the game is better..on 1 site it says ps3 but on another it says 360..Anyone play both?
I've seen both in a store, and watched comparison vids and it's the 360 version. But, honestly whichever one you get it will be fine... the only problems with the PS3 are that it has slightly more framerate and tearing issues. Apparently they say some of the textures are lower quality but I'm not seeing it.

So I'd advise going for the one whose pad you like using more or something. :)

(Oh, and for what it's worth an ubisoft dev posted on their forums to say that he thinks Gamespot mixed up their framerate impressions which is why everyone is confused)
I heard that the ps3 framerate was about 2 frames lower, but you would even really notice it.
Got it for the PS3 too and haven't compared it to the 360 but I have to say it's freakin' awesome.
:( im excited to play.. went to buy the game and the gf said no.. (she got it for me for xmas) im getting the 360 version...

COD4 it is till then

off topic i know
I bought it for 360 after reading a lot of reviews and watching the vids. To me the 360 version is better:

better lighting
controller rumble
xbox live (achievement points and i can see my friends on)

I also have a PS3 and I pre-ordered both games because I didn't know which one would be better.

One thing about the PS3 version would be nice is that the ps3 runs a lot quieter than the 360, the damm DVD drive in the 360 is so fucking loud.

Now though i kinda wish I would of got it for PS3 since my damm 360 just red ringed haha. oh well, 3/4 through assasins creed and now i have to wait like 3 weeks.

I bought it for 360 after reading a lot of reviews and watching the vids. To me the 360 version is better:

better lighting
controller rumble
xbox live (achievement points and i can see my friends on)

better lighting=WRONG..If youre running HDMI make sure its Full Range or simply adjust brightness..They are identical

controller rumble=Dualshock 3

xbox live=see your frinds online for FREE..

I bought it for 360 after reading a lot of reviews and watching the vids. To me the 360 version is better:

better lighting
controller rumble
xbox live (achievement points and i can see my friends on)

I also have a PS3 and I pre-ordered both games because I didn't know which one would be better.

One thing about the PS3 version would be nice is that the ps3 runs a lot quieter than the 360, the damm DVD drive in the 360 is so fucking loud.

Now though i kinda wish I would of got it for PS3 since my damm 360 just red ringed haha. oh well, 3/4 through assasins creed and now i have to wait like 3 weeks.


Lighting isn't better on the X360 version.
Will the new DShock3's work with AC for PS3? (not that I care, I turn rumble off on all other games on all other consoles, I got burnt out on rumble from StarFox64)
I would never pay for Xbox live so that doesn't matter to me. This game is 1 player so being able to see friends is irrelevant to actually playing AC. I have my PC and steam community going so my console can focus on playing games.

I got the PS3 version, there’s really no difference. RROD would probably be the only reason why I would pick up the PS3 version over the X360... because I would hate to be not able to play this game :)
Which version of the game is better..on 1 site it says ps3 but on another it says 360..Anyone play both?

Which console's controller do you like better? Get the game for that system. No real big reasons to get it for one system or the other unless you like the achievement points with live which are kinda cool.
Just curious, anyone have any information about Home and trophies? Will games that are out now be able to still have them, or just games being released in the future after Home is already out. Would be kinda cool to join Home and see you already unlocked several trophies for Assassins Creed :)
I saw a friend play it on PS3 tonight, the game is incredible looking.
DS3 rumble works for AC but only during the fights i think. my friend imported one last week and we didn't even know ac supported it.
I'm playing the PS3 version. I mentioned in a thread yesterday that I only noticed 1 framrate hitch, but after playing through the assasination again, I realized it wasn't hitch but the game pauses and you have to hit the X button....the first time through I was mashing the X button to begin running once the cutscene ended. So, that means it runs smooth as butter so far. Look great, except for the modern sections. Those look like ass.
i love it how people still bitch about ps3 not having rumble in games when it does now lmao, theres even small patches for older games to support rumble via dual shock 3.
better lighting=WRONG..If youre running HDMI make sure its Full Range or simply adjust brightness..They are identical

controller rumble=Dualshock 3

xbox live=see your frinds online for FREE..


Dualshock 3? Great, I'll just cruise to my local store and pick one up . . .
Yea, and the going price of an imported DualShock 3?

A lot more than I care to pay for, his sarcasm meter was broken and didn't catch that in youjr post.

The game runs pretty much the same on both systems, it all boils down to which controller you like better. A lot of people have both systems because there are exclusives on both systems now and price drops have made them more affordable, not to mention the BD vs HD-DVD thing.
Yeah, I saw the PS3 firmware thing yesterday. I was thinking of picking this up (I was hoping for a demo) and wanted to hold off until that was resolved. I might get the 360 one if it's a real issue, though.
Can anyone fill me in on the control scheme? The PS3's controller sucks for shooters, but it worked fine for Ninja Gaiden. Do you have to do a lot of precision aiming? Does the d-pad factor into the game at all?
Yeah, I saw the PS3 firmware thing yesterday. I was thinking of picking this up (I was hoping for a demo) and wanted to hold off until that was resolved. I might get the 360 one if it's a real issue, though.
Can anyone fill me in on the control scheme? The PS3's controller sucks for shooters, but it worked fine for Ninja Gaiden. Do you have to do a lot of precision aiming? Does the d-pad factor into the game at all?

It's not a shooter so it's not that big of a deal there. I played it on a 360, my friend has the game, and it played really well. This game is sneaking onto my buy list. I'll be picking it up for the 360, but generally I buy all the multiplatform games on the 360. I like the controller more.
Lighting isn't better on the X360 version.
Will the new DShock3's work with AC for PS3? (not that I care, I turn rumble off on all other games on all other consoles, I got burnt out on rumble from StarFox64)
I would never pay for Xbox live so that doesn't matter to me. This game is 1 player so being able to see friends is irrelevant to actually playing AC. I have my PC and steam community going so my console can focus on playing games.

I got the PS3 version, there’s really no difference. RROD would probably be the only reason why I would pick up the PS3 version over the X360... because I would hate to be not able to play this game :)
I'm having the opposite experience...ever since the 2.0 update my PS3 has been locking up randomly and I've seen posts on other forums where AC is causing PS3 lockups for people who had none previously.:( My 360 on the other hand has been flawless for over a year now...
I haven't seen the PS3 version of the game, in person, and unfotunately I'm not sure when I'll be able to. I don't know if this video has been posted in other Assassin's Creed threads, but GameTrailers did a Comparison Video, and although both versions look great, I think the 360 version has a slight edge.
I haven't seen the PS3 version of the game, in person, and unfotunately I'm not sure when I'll be able to. I don't know if this video has been posted in other Assassin's Creed threads, but GameTrailers did a Comparison Video, and although both versions look great, I think the 360 version has a slight edge.

Yeah, I saw that video too. I think they need to adjust the video settings on the PS3 side. I realize they want to keep things the same so the comparison is as unbaised as possible, but it is widely known that the PS3 generally outputs a brighter image and you really have to adjust your monitor settings accordingly.
well for me the choice was a lot simpler. I only own a PS3 so I bought the PS3 version.I bought it last night and have not had time to open the package yet though. I am glads to see a lot of people liking that version though