Assassin's Creed Pirate Gameplay Video

It went eight minutes without crashing? Impressive. They've really come a long way with this title.
That looks a lot more fun then standard AC gameplay. The ship combat/mechanics looks to be a good addition.
This peaks my interest...I'll wait for the upcoming video before making a purchase choice.
Instead of auto buy like I have been for the past few AC games I'm holding out on this one, Probably wait and pick it up used.
The highpoints (Sync points) are now fast-travel points? They just don't want you to walk anywhere in this game anymore.
hmm.. I have never looked the series over before.. but if thats an accurate example of gameplay.. looks like fun
This looks way more fun, I stopped playing 1 & two half way in, 2 at least had a story line with some meaning. Hopefully the combat mechanics have changed as well, was just too easy before.
you know, coincidentally. after ubisoft got rid of their horrible buggy anti piracy stuff, their games that i buy have became more entertaining to me.
Anyone else remember when Assassin's Creed was about assassinating people?

Yeah, but at the same the Assassinations/missions in at least the first 2 were honestly just filler to continue the story. Run in mash buttons and then kill guy, remember trying to do "silent" assassinations in AC1 and was pissed that I was pretty much forced to fight everyone or run away. Very one dimensional.

Instead of improving the assassination aspect (I agree its odd given the games name), they seemed to add depth in other ways.
I never played the AC series but this looks pretty sweet. I love pirate/ship stuff going back to the original Pirates! game.
I really hated the gameplay in a3 when you had to fight the ships. It took me forever to defeat them. It seems like this game will have a ton of em. This sucks cause this is one the series I still play and I'm pretty much done with gaming.