Assassin's Creed Odyssey Teaser


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
There have been several leaks going around about the next Assassin's Creed game so Frostbite released a small teaser yesterday. It looks like the game will utilize Greece for its location. Other than that not much else is revealed. This is Sparta!

Watch the video here.
Yawn, these games are all the same. JIm Sterling did a video on the Ubification of all their games and aside from the flavor and skin all of the elements of the game are 100% the same.
Yawn, these games are all the same. JIm Sterling did a video on the Ubification of all their games and aside from the flavor and skin all of the elements of the game are 100% the same.

Origins was tolerable, but ya, Ubisoft is notorious for running its franchises into the ground. The last few entries in the Far Cry series have been mind numbingly boring.
Well I for one am looking forward to it. I think Origins was the only game in the franchise I spent close to 80 hours playing. I loved it! Bummer that it looks like we aren't going to be playing Bayek in this new one though. I found him to be one of the better main characters since Ezio.

And the "THIS IS SPARTA!!" teaser is kind of dumb.
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While I whole-heartedly agree that every Ubisoft game has become basically the same game with different skins, this is one I am actually looking forward to. Assassins Creed (usually) gets a pass from me because the world, characters, and game play style are all more interesting to me. I've enjoyed most of the games in the series, Black Flag being a definite favorite. I gave up part way though Unity and skipped Syndicate completely (the more modern the games got, the less interesting I found them). But Origins I thought was excellent. A little repetitive and cheesy at times, but I thought they did a great job creating an interesting setting. something they hadn't done in several years. Based on the fact that Origins was received much better than the previous two games, I'm hoping Ubisoft took note of what people seem to enjoy about these games and refining those elements. Ancient Greece should make for another really interesting environment to explore.
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AC Origins was bad, IMO. It's so much more simplistic in its mechanics and animations (something AC was previously always known for), repetitive in its mundane combat, and much less sophisticated in it story-telling than even some of the worst previous AC games. Also, as an origins story for AC, I find Origins very underwhelming.

The series peaked with Black Flag, IMO. Unity and Syndicate were dullish stop-gaps that didn't really have anything to say. Origins is a new style for AC, but it's about the most repetitive AC game out there (other than maybe the first one), and has the most uninspired combat in an AC game.

AC Black Flag player animations:

AC Origins player animations:

WTF happened?
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Assassin's Creed might as well go the battle royale route too..

Oh wait, the studio doesn't actually develop new games, just new textures.
Origins was written for multi core systems
So my oc'd 3570k @ 4.3 ghz had hitching it really shouldn't have.

I will not buy any new games until they write better code.

There was no reason for this game to perform that way.
Yawn, these games are all the same. JIm Sterling did a video on the Ubification of all their games and aside from the flavor and skin all of the elements of the game are 100% the same.

and the first one was quite boring after the newness of climbing buildings wore off. I can't believe people pay money for these
they're going backwards in time.

We'll have a caveman asscreed game in no time.
all these sequels ... where's originality heading?

A few sequels well done is very good btu Assassin's Creed Volume 20? No thanks, they lost me some time ago
all these sequels ... where's originality heading?

A few sequels well done is very good btu Assassin's Creed Volume 20? No thanks, they lost me some time ago

Unfortunately, this is the way of the industry these days, and we've made it so. Established franchises in the video game world practically print money, can you really blame publishers and/or developters for exploiting that? When a new AC, BF, COD, GTA, etc., ect., ect. comes out, they sell millions upon millions of units with relatively little effort. In most cases, I think new IPs sell considerably less. As the saying goes, vote with your wallet, and right now the communities vote is pretty clear. If sequels sold worse, or new IPs sold better, we wouldn't be seeing this behavior.
they have found that these genres of games sell tons, generation after generation. Our great grandkids will still be buying COD.
When the AC series is good, it's really good. What other game offers that creative exploring of history and its sights, such a stimulating sci-fi theme, and so detailed and articulate movement and story-telling? Except Origins didn't have any of those qualities other than the creative exploring of history and its sights. And Syndicate and Unity lacked having anything to say, didn't delve further into the lore of AC, and had monotonous environments.

Black Flag, and Rogue are the last AC games that been on point, for me. If Ubisoft could return to that level of design quality, there is hardly another game I would be more excited about.
Well I for one am looking forward to it. I think Origins was the only game in the franchise I spent close to 80 hours playing. I loved it! Bummer that it looks like we aren't going to be playing Bayek in this new one though. I found him to be one of the better main characters since Ezio.

And the "THIS IS SPARTA!!" teaser is kind of dumb.

this game is a direct sequel to origin. Bayek will be in the game along with Aya, however there are also two new characters. Don't know if that means you get to play as Bayek or Aya or if they are just characters that you report to.
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this game is a direct sequel to origin. Bayek will be in the game along with Aya, however there are also two new characters. Don't know if that means you get to play as Bayek or Aya or if they are just characters that you report to.
I must have misread an article about this somewhere. I could have sworn it said this game was going to be set 300 years before the events of Origins. I am now glad that's not true.
I must have misread an article about this somewhere. I could have sworn it said this game was going to be set 300 years before the events of Origins. I am now glad that's not true.

you probably read a reference to 300 due to the army of 300 Spartans that fought off an army of thousands. A video i watched yesterday listed one of the known things as it being a sequel which they mentioned was rare for the series.

here is a site that takes a little bit about it. It mentions how Ubisoft wants to keep Bayek for multiple games as they did with Ezio. However it states no clear knowledge if you actually play as Bayek, Aya or the new characters. so no idea yet if you actually play as Bayak, or if you are just somebody under him and work with Bayek and Aya. Like how in Syndicate you worked along side another assassin.