AS Thermal Epoxy on a CPU/HSF!!! AHHH


Aug 15, 2004
Without doing the proper research, I had been using AS Silver Thermal Adhesive on my last several CPUs (which were Athlon XPs)... well, it worked fine and came apart fine when i changed hsf's, so I never thought it was the wrong stuff... well now that I've gotten a Athlon 64 and used it on there, it has permanently adhered the CPU to the bottom of the HSF!!!

I need help figuring out how to get this shit to seperate without damaging my CPU... I'll post pics here in a few, but if you have any ideas let me know!
n/m i used a hammer to seperate it...

j/k i managed to pop it off with a screwdriver
well thats not good... you do realize you are supposed to slowly wiggle it out, not tear the sucker out. I guess the best thing to do is to just pry the cpu off.. but im not so sure about that. :rolleyes:
I recently heard somewhere that you can stick it in a ziplock bag in the freezer for an hour or so and it twists off like an oreo.

Google search it and there will be an article on it.
-D-Cypher said:
I recently heard somewhere that you can stick it in a ziplock bag in the freezer for an hour or so and it twists off like an oreo.

Google search it and there will be an article on it.

I always break my oreos when I twist them apart :confused:
I had this happen a while back and the freezer trick worked like a champ. My temps strangley are about 2c lower with the adhesive as opposed to the regular paste so i guess i'll be freezin all my cpu's from now on.
I'd definately be careful about how much I used if I were you. There's also the fact that you could rip the core off the base of the cpu... As for cpu temps, are you sure that ambient was the same for both tests?
elite.mafia said:
well thats not good... you do realize you are supposed to slowly wiggle it out, not tear the sucker out. I guess the best thing to do is to just pry the cpu off.. but im not so sure about that. :rolleyes:

In case you didnt see he said hes useing ADHESIVE what in the hell is he gonna twist off? :rolleyes:
HiProfile said:
I'd definately be careful about how much I used if I were you. There's also the fact that you could rip the core off the base of the cpu... As for cpu temps, are you sure that ambient was the same for both tests?
yeah both readings were taken with the onboard probe and the ambient was taken from the same spot after the same amount of time. The hsf was lapped to a mirror finish and seated with perfection so contact on either the adhesive or the paste wasnt an issue. So the diffence of the past and adhesive is the only other factor that would increase or decrease the temps.