Armored Warfare - not that other tank game


Apr 21, 2000
A friend sent me an Early Access key a few days ago. I played it all day yesterday. It's fun. It has PvE that is pretty well done, and can be challenging, especially with a stupid pubbie group. With a good group, it is fun. I like that some of the environment is destructible (destroy those light poles at night so the enemy can't see you, and don't turn on your headlights). Collisions are much more realistic feeling than WoT. The maps have a lot of little elevation changes (bumps) that allow you to go hull down.

So far, it's fun.

Armored Warfare
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you tried war thunder for comparison?

also, is it on steam? F2P?
Yes. I like the tank feel in War Thunder the best I think, though Armored Warfare is close. In War Thunder, the tanks turn the way tanks really turn. Armored Warfare has that too, but not as much. Both are much better at it than WoT which feels like all tanks have wheels.

WT is a different type of game. AW is much more similar to WoT in gameplay. The big difference, of course, is that AW is modern tanks, and both of the other two are WWII. AW's premise is that you are part of something like a mechanized mercenary company (or perhaps military contractors). It doesn't really do much with that, except give a context for the little text blurbs before each PvE mission. That's about it. Since it uses modern tanks, it includes AFVs, and tanks with rockets - which are really annoying.

As far as I know, it is not on Steam. It will be "F2P" when it is released. You can get the Early Access now for $15 IIRC.
thanks for that, I don't think I am interested in moving toward the WoT end of the fact I only play simulator mode in WT and wish there were something even harsher
still feels almost exactly like WoT.

War Thunder is different to me.