ArenaNet Fires Two Guild Wars 2 Writers over Twitter Exchange with YouTuber

so we can't even get in an argument on the internet anymore without being fired. Great.
so we can't even get in an argument on the internet anymore without being fired. Great.

Actions have consequences. She choose to attack a customer for no reason and then use her 11+ thousand (at the time) follower account to attack and shame them. There wasn't an argument. She was a cunt. He apologized, even though he did nothing wrong, and tried to back away. She, then, continued to be a cunt. He, again, tried to apologize and back away. She refused to leave it alone. None of that qualifies as an argument. It's called harassment.
She really needs to check her white privilege. Seeing how she's a cis-gendered woman, from an oppressive middle class majority that promotes, sexism, transphobia, and racism, this hurts all non-binary people. My pronouns are zis/zez, and you can say this is sarcasm.
If we were playing buzzword bingo you'd win.

Hey!!! She wasn't a programmer, she was just a story writer. Programmers are always perfect and never write buggy code ;)

True story, programmers only include special features.

Yeah, when you constantly proclaim who you work for on twitter, then proceed to tell your employer's customers to fuck off, you should get fired.

Yeah this is the problem and its going to become a bigger problem as society continues to produce and glorify SJWs to the point where they continue to think they have the right to say whatever they want because they are either the persecuted or defending the persecuted...
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there is a reason why companies have PR people .. and this is a great example.
Yeah, and PR people handle PR, they don't necessarily want random employees doing it for them. Even in a company with a dedicated PR group this sort of thing can still happen and should still result in people getting fired since a PR group isn't going to prevent something like this.

The statement given by the arenanet co-founder regarding the two idiots getting fired was actually great, since it was quite neutral and simply re-affirmed that the company wasn't going to tolerate its employees publicly talking shit about their customers.