Are you playing any "old school" games?

Mr. Wolf

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 8, 2006
While I await delivery of my new gaming cube (in sig), I'm spending a lot of my gaming time on some older games I never tried before. I've been pleasantly surprised at how entertaining these old school games are, so I thought I'd see if anyone else is doing the same. Here's what I've been playing:

Fallout 2
Baldur's Gate 2
The Longest Journey

I hope Crysis, Hellgate London and BioShock are as much fun. :p
I tried installing Decent3, but cd one had a real deep nick in it and it froze on d3.hog. So that was out.

Tried NFS4:HS, but it would have none of Vista. I don't even remember how I got it working in XP either.

Then was going to try Theif, but got sidetracked and didn't get around to it. So been grinding on WoW for 30 minutes at time before I get bored and get off the computer.

Battlefield 42/DC & 'nam

IMO I have yet to play a game as good as Allied Assault. (Besides original DOOM and Wolf 3D)
Quake 1
Sim Citly 2000
Alien Trilogy
Need For Speed 2+3
Atomic Bomberman
Half Life
Quake 2/3
& one of my faves...
BF42/DC:D ..................EZ
I tried installing Decent3, but cd one had a real deep nick in it and it froze on d3.hog. So that was out.

Ah, Descent. The one game (Descent 1) that made me feel distinctly motion-sick. I dont get motion-sickness IRL, and that game moved me to the point where I felt like I was about to throw out the window.
Ah, Descent. The one game (Descent 1) that made me feel distinctly motion-sick. I dont get motion-sickness IRL, and that game moved me to the point where I felt like I was about to throw out the window.

I miss Descent 1. I used to play it on a 14" Magitronic SVGA monitor. Never got any motion sickness. WIsh I stil had that game.
Lately I've been playing UFO: Enemy Unknown. Works in XP just fine, and blazing fast on this computer. :)
I've started playing Diablo again. I've never gotten around to finishing it. Unfortunately, even though it's worked flawlessly on XP in the past, now it tends to crash in the town. :(
Occasionally I whip out the old games...

Out of this World

Good stuff, especially Darklands. It's one of the hardest RPGs I've ever played.
Tried NFS4:HS, but it would have none of Vista. I don't even remember how I got it working in XP either.

I took a file from NFS3, and transplanted it over to HighStakes. Unfortunately, this stopped working when i upgraded to 5900xt :(

Decent 3 was showing rendering errors, it doesn't seem to like the new cards.

I'd still be playing those two games if they still worked. I loved driving the Ferrari in Kodiak park at night :)
Recently uncovered my Blood/PP, Blood 2, System Shock, System Shock 2, Kingpin, Quarantine, Cannon Fodder and Battlezone 2 discs. Also got some Q1/Q2 mission packs off of Fleabay. Haven't played Outcast yet which looks interesting.
Not technically 'old school,' but I'm plodding away with The Settlers II 10th Anniversary addition.
I played through Fallout and most of Fallout 2 a few months ago. Looking forward to Fallout 3, assuming Bethesda doesn't bitch it up somehow.
I just picked up and installed Baldur's Gate 2 (and expansion) but haven't got started on it yet. :)
I just finished playing through Dreamweb thanks to DOSBox. Before that I played throgh Liesure Suit Larry 1 and Indy Jones and the Last Crusade. I'm a big-time old school gamer. I probably ought to get around to re-playing through Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II.
I just picked up and installed Baldur's Gate 2 (and expansion) but haven't got started on it yet. :)

Those are incredible games, some of the best RPGs of all time in my opinion. Be prepared to invest a lot of time if you want to do absolutely everything (60+ hours, and this is not exaggeration) but it's worth it.
Star Control 2
X-COM 1 & 2
Unreal Tournament /w UT 4EVER mod
Railroad Tycoon 1
I put X-com 2 on mine but need to find that thing you do to slow it down...WAAAY fast on a new computer. Been playing NOLF2, Colonization, and the older nascar games lately.
I just started The 7th Guest again... for some reason I needed to play that.

And I've been playin Wing Commander 2 as well.
I still play NFS: PU when I need a driving game fix.
Still play Quake 3 on a regular basis. Rocket Arena/Threewave.

I recently picked up BG2 (Never played it), but haven't got around to installing it yet. Currently playing Stalker, Oblivion (I need lvled lists for SI before I go there!), and NFS:MW.
Unreal Tournament, CS and Starcraft/Brood Wars will never be uninstalled from my computer.
I've been playing Civilization: Call to Power... tend to play it in cycles, of course (months of playing, then months of not touching it).
Old, but still lots of fun ;)

I play through a game of xcom every year.
I also normally play an old sierra adventure game once a year.
Close Combat 2, 3, 4, & 5 are installed & played. (not 1, that one sucked.)
Played a few levels of the original Unreal a few weeks ago.