Are there any good rackmount GPU chassis?

Oct 23, 2018
As my needs for simulation rigs grows (and we move to more network-friendly software packages), I think it's time to graduate from desktops to rackmount machines.

Are there any good options for housing 6-7x3-slot consumer cards (7x60mm = 16.54" < standard 18.5" rack width)? Something which can handle multiple server PSUs would be ideal. I see plenty of server options which can take 8-10x2-slot cards, but that would mean using A40s since I think even my A6000s would get choked at that density (although they're not too bad at 4x2-slot on an airy desktop).
For consumer cards? There isn't much that isn't going to be bubble-gum and shoestring type of setups. Proper solutions really only exist for the data-center/enterprise vGPU market like Liqid's 8x shelves, or 20x shelves.
That is sort of what I figured. I was hoping to avoid having to use mining solutions since those all seem like sketchy garbage, but I'm not sure I have the budget to go with A40s when they're 3x the price of 3090s. I could water cool them to bring them down to 2 slots. While that's fun for rigs at home (all of my home PCs run custom loops), I don't know that it's a great idea for the office.

Back to the drawing board I guess.