Are HP Laptops reliable?


Limp Gawd
Aug 30, 2002
I'm in the market for a new laptop and after reading the forums, i didnt notice much on HP laptops....I wan to buy from a local electronics place and they have a lot of HP laptops...

i am looking at a widescreen model and it is going to be used for web related work and also 3d and graphic design (same as my desktop)..

well, in general, are they reliable?
I have a HP Pavilion ze4115 laptop and i only had 1 problem with it,
the screens back-light was dieing b/c i was getting a flicker sometimes. Other than that it lasted me 2 and a 1/2 years and was only sold so I could get a new Powerbook :)
My friend has one, its never caused him any harm although he spilt beer over the keyboard at a LAN. I think the laptop liked it lol, nothing bad happened to it...
oh....ok then.....i think im going to go with HP..

Thanks guys!
Good friend of mine has one... It works, but battery life degrades rapidly. I asked him if he'd do it again, and he said "definitely not!"
Ive had my ZX5000 for a few months now and it works great. The only problem i have with hit is due to software (Internet Explorer and Spyware Dueling it out). As for battery life on a 12 cell with the backlight all the way out i get about 2 hours which isnt bad for a full out 3.0GHZ P4 desktop processor and a 128mb Radeon 9600.
Rated the most reliable for 2 years now by most places and sites. Call me biased if you will, but I get to use them firsthand, and I have no trouble recommending them.
It's not like HP makes them. Over all they hold up as well as pretty much anyone elces.
swatbat said:
It's not like HP makes them. Over all they hold up as well as pretty much anyone elces.

Actually I beg to differ. We do make them in house. We make a much higher percentage of the laptop than any other big name company. Certain things have to be bought and brought in, like the LCD screens, but most of the rest of the laptop is from in house. Other companies pretty much rebadge a no-name laptop.
very very reliable corperate grade lappys
generaly over 7lb with few exceptions
most of them have quite good bat life

just be wary of the lower end ones that are rebaged compaq's