Are 6800's dying already?


Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2000
I have been witness to three different people having dead 6800GT's and Ultra's after only a couple of months of usage. Has anyone else experienced this? Just an FYI, they were from 3 different manufacturers and different areas of the country. None were Oc'd, or tampered with in anyway. Is this a sign of what's to come, or just incredibly bad luck?
3 out of how many sold? That's why there are warranties on products.
I have no problems. I had my 6800 Ultra in the summer and it's BIOS flased to a 6800 Ultra Extreme edition with no problems (knock on wood).
robzilla said:
I have been witness to three different people having dead 6800GT's and Ultra's after only a couple of months of usage. Has anyone else experienced this? Just an FYI, they were from 3 different manufacturers and different areas of the country. None were Oc'd, or tampered with in anyway. Is this a sign of what's to come, or just incredibly bad luck?
3 out of the millions sold?

Whoa..Nvidia sub-companies who make the cards are freaking fanatical...Wow!!!!!!!!

you sir, are not smart.
My evga 6800 Ultra died.

I got my RMA replacement though :)

It overclocks better than the previous one :D
My 6800gt has been putting along at 6800 ultra and above speeds for about 3 months now and its never hicupped even once :)
I''m getting 450/1.15 (no stuttering in FarCry).

I use FarCry to determine if I overclocked too far - it'll start stuttering if I go too far :D

I can overclock higher but it leads to undesirable behaviors life the previously mentioned one.

It appears that when my 6800U died, it was the 2D part that was cr@pping out - the 3D was fine.
Bad luck? :D
Well, of course they aren't dying, like the guys said, I guess it was pure coincidence, and 3 cards from how many that were sold :)
mulpsmebeauty said:
Incredibly bad luck I hope, since I've thoroughly voided the warranty on my BFG 6800U.

Never void the warranty on a $600+ card without knowing you can replace it with the same ease as you voided the warranty.

CleanSlate said:
Never void the warranty on a $600+ card without knowing you can replace it with the same ease as you voided the warranty.


Well if it breaks through something I've done I can stand up for the choice I've made (I removed the fan, tested an NV5 and replaced the stock fan - it's unmistakeable that I've done it). If it breaks in an unrelated matter, I'll argue the point with the shop I bought it from in an upfront manner. If that fails, tough on me.
Most people on most forums tend post their "headaches" rather than their "sex". It is easy to take time to complai than it is to give praise. It is the American way as of late. So unless I see a large amount of people making a complaint...then I don't worry about it to much.

mulpsmebeauty said:
Well if it breaks through something I've done I can stand up for the choice I've made (I removed the fan, tested an NV5 and replaced the stock fan - it's unmistakeable that I've done it). If it breaks in an unrelated matter, I'll argue the point with the shop I bought it from in an upfront manner. If that fails, tough on me.

It is good to see some honest people on forums.
bought an early model GT, flawless so far. a few months short of a year old. no OCing though
Trepidati0n said:
Most people on most forums tend post their "headaches" rather than their "sex". It is easy to take time to complai than it is to give praise. It is the American way as of late. So unless I see a large amount of people making a complaint...then I don't worry about it to much.


That is precisely the reason I made the post, just to see if there were any other peeps having troubles...

oh and thanks for the moronic reply there musty4.6L (or should it just be "raggedy ass Ford Owner"?).
mulpsmebeauty said:
Well if it breaks through something I've done I can stand up for the choice I've made (I removed the fan, tested an NV5 and replaced the stock fan - it's unmistakeable that I've done it). If it breaks in an unrelated matter, I'll argue the point with the shop I bought it from in an upfront manner. If that fails, tough on me.
Your a good man.
If not, your a good women :D
robzilla said:
I have been witness to three different people having dead 6800GT's and Ultra's after only a couple of months of usage....
