Arctic Cooling Accelero Twin Turbo II for $38 shipped AC


Aug 24, 2008
I don't know how hot this is, but it is $7 cheaper than what I could find on ebay. Needed something to cool down my 6950 and hoping this will do nicely. This is also the Twin Turbo II, not the Twin Turbo Pro and is rated for twice the cooling capacity according to AC's website.

Accelero Twin Turbo II - $42.99

Use coupon code "FIELDGOAL" at checkout to take off $5 (exp 1/31)

Also, I know [H] has a commissioned link for superbiiz/ewiz, and I'm not sure if clicking above will work, so you can always just go through and search for it, it only adds a couple seconds and give [H] some funds.
I saw that on NCIX, but it was ~$15 shipping. Didn't know it was $50 for free shipping
This is one of the best GPU sinks, probably the best in this price range. The huge spacing between the fins makes it super quiet. The AXP costs twice as much for very little gain so I would go with this if you are not cranking 1.5v or some other insane loads. Have they added any new VRM sinks? IIRC that was the only thing that really needed work on the past designs.

Nice find OP.
I just ordered it from NCIX along with a big shuriken 2 rev B for 34.99 on a special promo... they are both good deals...