Aqua Teen/Mooninite ?


May 16, 2008
Currently working on my first case. But am thinking of future ideas

I was wondering if anyone has seen anyone do a case like one of the mooninites from AQHF. This is what im thinking of: image 1 but with them flipped upside down, #2 in the case shaped like him (the dvd ejects out his mouth :eek: ), or #3 with a square case and LEDs in the shape of its body

Hahaha! Love it.

I like the LEDs most of course, but I think you should make him the front anyways, with the DVD ejecting out of his mouth. That would be awesome :D
Hahaha, nice. The Mooninites are great.

If it were me I'd do either the 2nd or 3rd one. Personally, I'd make Ignignokt (the second image) be the PC, since he's the larger of the two characters. Then later on you could maybe make an Err external harddrive enclosure, since he's smaller and set him up on side the PC. Just an idea. Also, using the mouth for the DVD drive would be cool. I'd also suggest making the eyes the power and reset buttons.
lol, thanks for the ideas. Will def consider the external idea. Maybe like an NAS device (so theres not alot of wasted space)
Maybe split the power to 2 leds for his eyes, and make the hdd light the tip of his middle finger