Apples Deactivates Its News App In China


Aug 20, 2006
It looks like Apple has disabled their news app because they haven’t figured out how to deal with the censorship laws there. With China as their “second-largest source of revenue after the US,” it’s odd that they bothered making it available at all without first addressing what was probably expected.

Those in China who look at the top of the Apple News feed, which would normally display a list of selected articles based on a user’s preferred media, instead see an error message: “Can’t refresh right now. News isn’t supported in your current region.”
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"News isn’t supported in your current region."

That pretty much sums up China in general.
Here's how you deal with communist censorship, stop business with them, but i guess money is more important to apple (or pretty much every large copr) than backing freedom of speech.
Here's how you deal with communist censorship, stop business with them, but i guess money is more important to apple (or pretty much every large copr) than backing freedom of speech.

And, if money ever makes its way into our court system like its made it into our congress, freedom of speech won't be a thing here in the US, either.
And, if money ever makes its way into our court system like its made it into our congress, freedom of speech won't be a thing here in the US, either.


Money already permeates the court system. A typical court case involves burying the other party in as many picayune motions as possible to bury them in legal fees. The one thing that is not involved is the truth. The legal system is all about who has the most money to afford legal fees. That is how rich people get away with crimes while poor people get executed because all they get is an overworked, underpaid, public defender.