Apple takes aim at Windows 7


Extremely [H]
Nov 5, 2005
Well you knew it was coming. TWO Mac vs PC ads slamming Windows 7. Just saw then watching Flashforward. Don't see them online yet. Will edit later when I find them or please link if you beat me to it.
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Looking at that box of crap she has. Im not sure which one it would actually be easier to install it on :rolleyes:
Typical mac ads..

No actual evidence or showing how they are better or how Windows is bad.
I was wondering how they would take shots at 7. They make good points but I've already made up my mind. I moved to Windows 7.
It makes no difference, Apple fans will stay loyal no matter what. Windows users for the most part will stick with windows because that's where their software is.

That being said, I'm typing this from a unibody 13" macbook. Why? Not because I love OS X, but because the damned thing is secksey! OS X has just as many issues as windows, if not more, it's just got a lot less people to notice them. This freaking machine even with snow leopard does weird cr@p all the time.
It makes no difference, Apple fans will stay loyal no matter what. Windows users for the most part will stick with windows because that's where their software is.

That being said, I'm typing this from a unibody 13" macbook. Why? Not because I love OS X, but because the damned thing is secksey! OS X has just as many issues as windows, if not more, it's just got a lot less people to notice them. This freaking machine even with snow leopard does weird cr@p all the time.

You're cool in my book!;)

Hell all computers do that. Even as much as I love 7 its got its flaky bits. That said, its so far a lot less flake to it than XP SP2 or Vista SP2 at this stage and that to me is a great sign.

The promises ad was decent. The other one was lame. But I can't wait for the Family Guy spot in a couple of weeks!:D
Meh... after being forced to use OS8 and older in junior high, I don't think Apple has any place to shit on Windows of the 90s.

I guess it's good marketing though, as they've not only managed to create FUD for the new Windows OS, but at the same time further stomped on the MS brand by suggesting that every major release of Windows from the last 20 years have been utter failures, all in a mere 30 seconds.
Mac has set the tone with the aesthetics, but they still charge way too much for parts, worse than Sony. If they even had a slight premium I could take them more seriously. Even gouger PC shops can make a dynamo for $975.
Wow, that is the best they can do, really.... their old ads at least had some content.....
It used to be that the Apple ads stretched the truth a little bit and played on the PC stereo types. At some point they graduated to outright lies. I can't even watch them anymore. They infuriate me to no end with their BS.
Meh... after being forced to use OS8 and older in junior high, I don't think Apple has any place to shit on Windows of the 90s.

A-freakin'-men... I don't know what makes them think many of their previous versions of Mac OS were so great, but they certainly were not.

As far as these new commercials are concerned I think they're just getting more pathetic with each new one. This whole thing has just gotten old in my opinion, and they need to find something new. They've been grasping at straws for at least a year, and have made some hypocritical claims. One of my favorites was when PC was stacking up wads of cash for Vista advertising, and only a little bit for "fixing Vista's problems." Pot, kettle, black.
What a complete BS marketing campaign. How many years have they been running the same ads, give me a break.
Meh... after being forced to use OS8 and older in junior high, I don't think Apple has any place to shit on Windows of the 90s.

I guess it's good marketing though, as they've not only managed to create FUD for the new Windows OS, but at the same time further stomped on the MS brand by suggesting that every major release of Windows from the last 20 years have been utter failures, all in a mere 30 seconds.

Which begs the question, why do Macs still have only about 5% market share world wide if the Windows sucks so bad?

This was kind of the idea behind the laptop hunter ads, because cost is definitely one reason.

It's time for Microsoft to fight fire with fire and tell Apple where to stuff it!:p
You know what's worse then a whiny kid? A screaming kid. :p


But really, I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't fight back more. Apple is breaking sales records and Microsoft is struggling right now, but of course that has a lot to do with the business environment more than anything.

Microsoft's numbers come out tomorrow, doubt they'll be pretty. But Microsoft has upped its technical game. It REALLY needs to up its ad game. I think the Family Guy bit is a good start.

But really, I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't fight back more. Apple is breaking sales records and Microsoft is struggling right now, but of course that has a lot to do with the business environment more than anything.

Microsoft's numbers come out tomorrow, doubt they'll be pretty. But Microsoft has upped its technical game. It REALLY needs to up its ad game. I think the Family Guy bit is a good start.

A lot of it is the antitrust legislation out there (ironic, seeing as how Apple is much more closed than MS ever is. If Apple were even 35% of the market operating the way they were, they'd be in deep doo-doo). Hence if MS tries to really fight its competition, the government comes in and punishes them, so they have to play nice all the time
I thought Apple swung below the belt there. It was kinda harsh and the ads made me cringe. Thankfully sites like TH:Mac/Apple haters made me realise the competition is great! everything is forced to get better! Just like the public sector tried to sequence the Human genome and then Craig Venter came in, gave the public project some pressure and the two competing companies made everything work a sh!tload better
Competition is great. What's not great are lies and snobbish behavior, both staple's from Apple and Mac fans in general.
Very cute at best, but I have more problems moving 1 Mac Mini to 10.6 than I did moving 6 PCs to Windows 7.

But really, I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't fight back more. Apple is breaking sales records and Microsoft is struggling right now, but of course that has a lot to do with the business environment more than anything.

Microsoft's numbers come out tomorrow, doubt they'll be pretty. But Microsoft has upped its technical game. It REALLY needs to up its ad game. I think the Family Guy bit is a good start.

Microsoft has fought back, just in a less obnoxious way. You know those commercials where they need to find a laptop that does what they need for under X amount of dollars, and they go to the apple laptops and say...this looks nice but is way too expensive.....

Over 90% of the real world office use software I have come across requires a windows platform to run. Most coders and developers I know don't even use Apple.
Which begs the question, why do Macs still have only about 5% market share world wide if the Windows sucks so bad?
You know the answer. How could a company like Apple possibly be in a position to ever topple Microsoft's dominance? If third-party software were platform-agnostic, they'd have a shot. Since it isn't (yet), Apple has no chance to gain significant market share. Their future is dictated heavily by third-party software vendors (like Microsoft).

Apple's a luxury brand with a fairly minimal market reach. That won't change unless Apple Inc. changes, and even then it's an uphill battle. That says nothing about the OS itself, which is, in my opinion, still a tad bit better than Windows 7.