Apple Revenue Falls Short Again, iPhone Sales Disappoint

I had an iPhone 3G and 4 and never even thought of jailbreaking it. And emulating a system with a controller on something that has a touchscreen? Meh no thanks.
Emulator is just an example. As we all know Apple limits what apps you can put on the app store. Not to forget the ability to customize the phone.
Granted I went to WP8 - the iPhone may have been a little easier to use, but any geek can adjust to software changes. Most normal people can't or don't want to change their phone habits and that's the only place Apple wins - their UI has barely changed over the years. It will work for awhile, but they're going to go the route of Blackberry if they don't start innovating.
They need to allow applications to be installed outside their app store, like Android does. Android pretty much does this without root, and rooting isn't needed unless you try to run certain apps or try to install custom roms.
It's because the 2 methods to Apple's madness has been to:

1) sell a product at a grossly overly inflated price. We all know this, that's why almost none of us here have Apple computers and instead use PCs.

2) have 2-3 moneymaking products and then continually 'revise' them and sell the next iminiphonetab 4gs 2.0 -- revise 1x+/yr and guarantee that revenue.

This is all well and good when people want your stuff -- then you can charge whatever and you've got a nice loyal fanbase. But when the shine starts going and sentiment shifts -- now you're selling yawn-inducing stuff at a screw-your-wallet price. Margins will contract fast profit will hit the shitter.
The number I found interesting was the one showing thier Mac sales where down by 20%, as well as the lower iPod sales.
Looks like they are becoming even more reliant on the iPhone/iPad.
I don't get how this works.

Company makes profit (let's say 24% increase from last year)...but people predicted 25% stock takes a nosedive. Wait whut.

Because you aren't buying a part of the company when you buy the common stock. You are buying a part of a sliver of the ass-end of the company if that. Hell the latest new trick is to not even let the shares vote. So unless it is paying out a dividend, and a hefty one at that, the only value it has is that some other coke snorting gambler wants to buy some because he believes that their is a bigger coke fiend with even less sense than he has.

Since the coke fiend gambling addicts we call investment bankers SAY they care about things like missing earning projections (because it indicates management doesn't know its own company), misses the analysts predictions (because it indicates management isn't getting as much out of the company as it is obviously worth), or sales contract (nobody knows where unrealistic and unsustainable quarter on quarter growth will come from), then when any of those things means YOU might be the last idiot standing around when the music stopped, so you better sell NOW!!!

Realistically for apple, the iphone and the ipad stopped being a money press. Their only options for growth are to compete on price with their existing products, or REALLY cut into margins and build something cheap for developing markets. At least as far as the analysts who know jack about inventing anything. If apple can create a compelling product offering in a new market segment, they can start bumping earnings and all this idiots will come back like a wicked case of herpes. The only rumor of something of this nature is apple getting into TVs, which are pretty saturated and not making people money. However, if they manage to do something like make that TV and other products let you replace cable and get ala-carte programming via itunes with all your favorites for a cheaper price than cable bundles... well... herpes.