Apple Products At The Bottom Of A Bathtub

Apple fan or not, I for one would like to know why he left all of his electronics in the kitchen, and if he didn't how she found them in the first place.

I take great offense to your misogynistic comment. Not all women know there way around a kitchen. My ex for example. She only knew what a kitchen was if it had a drive through attached to it.
Pretty much this. Stay single and life is hugely simpler. Get a cat if you're lonely (not a dog...a cat...dogs are for noobs who like blind loyalty and those people tend to end up married anyway so if you have the urge to get a dog you might wanna seek a mental health professional who's not a dog owner so you can avert future life crisis stuff). Or if you don't stay single, go for someone wealthy so you can at least get half of their stuff and be better off after its over because they were a cheating slimeball that was doing it in the bathroom at work with their equally cheating, disgustingly ugly piece of human waste that was willing to put out. :cool:

You sound like a sad, sad person.
I'm happy because I picked a cat instead of a dog, duh! If you can't figure that out from the post you quoted that's your problem and not mine.

The denial is strong with this one :D

Emotion tends to get the better of people. Just look at the rioting in Baltimore. Reason seldom wins in a battle with emotion. It is part of the human condition.
The denial is strong with this one :D

Emotion tends to get the better of people. Just look at the rioting in Baltimore. Reason seldom wins in a battle with emotion. It is part of the human condition.

Wait, I missed something. Are you saying that Baltimore riots are related to denial of cats as better pets than dogs? As much as I think dog owners are usually very dirty, disgusting people who don't care about having fleas brought in and out of their homes (indoor-outdoor cat people are the same way though :() are specifically like the people that were looting and burning stuff. Sure, there are likely more thoughtful cat owners hiding indoors and not being involved, but mental shortcomings that are indicated by owning a dog probably aren't really all that related to it.
Wait, I missed something. Are you saying that Baltimore riots are related to denial of cats as better pets than dogs? As much as I think dog owners are usually very dirty, disgusting people who don't care about having fleas brought in and out of their homes (indoor-outdoor cat people are the same way though :() are specifically like the people that were looting and burning stuff. Sure, there are likely more thoughtful cat owners hiding indoors and not being involved, but mental shortcomings that are indicated by owning a dog probably aren't really all that related to it.

Actually, my point was that people make rash decisions based purely on emotion that are often not the best course of action given the circumstances.

As far as cats and dogs go, I have both. My cat is an indoor cat and my dogs are outdoor dogs. This arrangement works well. I would consider having another indoor dog, but it must get along with the cat or it cannot stay in the house.