Apple computer news


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2004
For those of you living under a rock this past week ;-) Hell froze over in the computer world when Apple announced that it would abandon long-time time RISC chip architecture originally provided by Motorola, then Freescale, and most recently IBM ... for x86 based Intel processors.

If this news does not seem significant enough then I reference the following "opinion" that this announcement was really just the ground-work for an even bigger shocker that is yet to come, possible sooner than anyone expects ... that Intel will buy Apple, in an effort to dethrone Microsoft!

Following Apple closely for the past 3 years myself I believe this "opinion" not only makes sense in the long run for Apple's apparent strategy, but helps to explain the recent announcement, that until now has still been seen as a questionable move for Apple ...

Let me know what you think.
I think two slashdot posters summarized it:

>> Is he always this batshit insane?
> Yes.
I personally see Apple falling apart and shifting all their hardware production to iPods, and similar 'nextgen' devices.

They will then develop their operating system to run on standard x86 architecture, thus becoming only a software developer.
S1nF1xx said:
I personally see Apple falling apart and shifting all their hardware production to iPods, and similar 'nextgen' devices.

They will then develop their operating system to run on standard x86 architecture, thus becoming only a software developer.
That would make sense, if they could sustain themselves that way. So much of their profit comes fom bloated hardware prices. Although I hope it happens. I know a few make cult fiends I'd love to laugh at. I long for the day I can go over to their main system an find a Pentium 4 (or whatever it will be by then) and laugh. All those endless arguments about how Macs were faster....HA.