Apple 30" Cinema display on PC :cool:

Martin64 said:
sdclassic and novadude: I don't have any experience with those Keyboards, but that one looks awesome, it's all Aluminum. :) They do not come in black. The manufacturer is KeySonic ( and I've not looked elsewhere, but they can be purchased at

do u own one? Is ea. key on the KB aluminum as well or is it just the frame of the KB that is Aluminum?
Happy Hopping said:
do u own one? Is ea. key on the KB aluminum as well or is it just the frame of the KB that is Aluminum?

Nope, not yet. Might place an order for above items this week, though my budget is a bit shakey after the 30" ACD display purchase. :p

I just received the 30" from TNT and boy, is it huge! The TNT delivery guy had a constant smile on his face and said "here's a tiny monitor for you" with a grin when he handed over the monitor. :D

I've not even unpacked the monitor yet, but judging from the real sized pic outside the box I'm wondering if I might have gone a bit crazy on screen size. ;) But the 23" I had didn't actually feel that big. We'll see when it's on my desk. I'll reports back as soon as I've set it up. Unfortunately the only digital cam I have is on my phones and the best being a Megapixel 7610 camera you won't get pretty pics, but I'll show you something at least. :)
First thoughts: No way I'm using my monitor arm with this, it's just too pretty! :D

Comparing the build quality between this and the HP L2335 is like comparing apples with oranges, and I don't like oranges that much. ;) . Joking aside, I would have been happy with the HP if I had received a good monitor with no backlight problem.s But it's not a fair comparison considering it's more than twice as expensive.

Like I said, build quality is just awesome. It's one block of solid aluminum and so is the stand. The bezel is surprisingly thin for being such a big monitor. I've not discovered any dead or stuck pixels, and that's pretty amazing considering there are 2560x1600 = 4+ million of them, but I'll run Nokia Monitor test shortly to be certain. The only issue I've seen so far is minor backlight problems, and at first I thought; "damn, I better call Apple directly" but now that I've turned down the brightness of the monitor a notch, it's not noticable anymore. You don't want to run it at full brightness anyway unless you want to take a steam in front of the computer. ;)

I'm still waiting for my PNY Quadro FX 4000, which I'll receive today or tomorrow, and then I can post a more thorough review. I've yet to try this monitor on games, so I'll be off to do that soon as well.

So far this feels like the buy of the year for me, and I've been on a shopping spree lately. It wants me to run out and buy a matching Ipod Mini Silver immediately!
Received my Quadro FX 4000 now, and it's up and running at 2560x1600! I still can't believe the workspace I have now, I've been using a dodgy old 17" Samsung CRT the past few weeks. :p

My monitor has one stuck red pixel, which means I'll hardly ever see it, so I'm very pleased. :)
well where are those godamn pix you promised us in this thread?

pls take one with lotr or a movie playing on the display... =).
Well, I took a few pics earlier today when it was still daylight, but now it's too dark for my phone's camera, there's no flash on it. Out of the 6 pics I took, only one was good enough to post:


Seinfeld :p I could take some LOTR DVDr pics tomorrow.
Martin64 said:
First thoughts: No way I'm using my monitor arm with this, it's just too pretty! :D

Comparing the build quality between this and the HP L2335 is like comparing apples with oranges, and I don't like oranges that much. ;) . Joking aside, I would have been happy with the HP if I had received a good monitor with no backlight problem.s But it's not a fair comparison considering it's more than twice as expensive.

Like I said, build quality is just awesome. It's one block of solid aluminum and so is the stand. The bezel is surprisingly thin for being such a big monitor. I've not discovered any dead or stuck pixels, and that's pretty amazing considering there are 2560x1600 = 4+ million of them, but I'll run Nokia Monitor test shortly to be certain. l

what is a back light problem, is there a link to a pic?
& what is Nokia test, is the s/w free?
The backlight isn't completely even, meaning it's brighter on some spots when viewing dark backgrounds. I don't notice it anymore as I said, because it was only noticeable with the brightness turned up very high. My camera isn't good enough to produce a picture of it.

Search for Nokia Monitor Tester 1.0a, it's free.
I normally don't comment needlessly but SWEET JESUS that is f'ing huge. I really wish I had the money for that... If I had my own place I'd MAYBE be able to justify it as a TV/monitor screen but with roommates that have fancy electronics... no way.
Thanks Martin.


could someone wake me up with HP has it 30"? I will entertain Sony as well although their service & quality most likely sucks.
Well, I dont wanna waste minutes on my cell phone to call tech support. So can someone tell me how to work the dell chat support. Which one to use, and what to put in for the information fields such as the non-existent "tag number" on these LCD's?
Nice photos, Blethrow!

How's the FPS with full res?

How's the feel when using a lower res for getting better FPS?

I wish someone could benchmark HL2 and Doom3 at full res when using 2 gfx cards in SLI..

And it just makes mad that nvidia won't put dual-link DVI on the 6800 ultras.. the quadro 4400 is just way overpriced... :(

I'm close to going for the 30".. I'm just unsure about what card to get.. you think a single quadro 3400 is ok for now?
The FPS in HL2 is a bit chunky but thoroughly playable. Rarely lower than 10-15, often >30-45. And that's with all video settings maxed. The loss in frame rate is absolutely worth it for the increased res. At times it seems near photographic. It's really hard to convey what a different experience it is from playing at a 'conventional' resolution.

Other games have performed similarly, but HL2 has been the best of the recent crop by far. That may be in large part due to my setting a 500Mb heap size, and reserving another 500Mb of main RAM for textures ;) . If you're building, get lots of RAM. :D

So, in my opinion the single 3400 will tide you over until we can get dual 6800 Ultras with Dual-Link. Which will be just f@cking unbelievable. SLI will really shine with these giant displays.

Playing at lower resolutions is fine; if you've not become used to 2560 x 1600 they probably seem quite impressive and the FPS is quite high. And you could always play with the game displayed in a window of say 2000 x 1200 or something similar if you felt the need to compromise.

Hmm, maybe I'll try HL2 at something like 2500 x 900 and set the angle of view extra wide to see if it feels more immersive.
My bad; I guess you can't set a custom window size for HL2. Or at least not easily. I haven't really explored that since I always play it at full.
Thanks for the info!

Enough memory is a must yeah.. I'm looking into getting a new system, and after having seen the 30" live at the apple store I just can't stand the thought of having anything less.. but at the same time I want the system to be totally quiet since I will be using it for music too.

So.. I've been thinking og getting the following:

- Zalman TNN500F case (
- NForce4 motherboard with Ahtlon64
- 2 GB ram
- Seagate Barracuda 200 GB in a Silentmaxx Aluminium Hard Drive Enclosure
- Apple 30" display
- Quadro 3400 gfx card

However, I wonder if the Zalman case can deal with SLI since it has that heatpipe thing.. I fear not.. in which case it's a bit of waste if SLI is the proper way to get such a display running smoothly in games for the next couple of years..

Anyone have any thoughts on a different route to get a quiet system that can drive the 30" with SLI setup?

.. maybe it's just a waste of money though :) but the screen is just sooo nice..
My understanding is that the Zalman case doesn't actually cool that well as compared to conventional methods but perhaps this matters less with the A64. If you can stand just a slight bit of noise I'd go with water cooling for much less money. I put in a Koolance Exos Al, and it is barely audible. It was noisy as hell at first because it kept sucking air into the pumps, but a little work with a syringe and a curved needle got most of the excess air out of the reservoir and that sorted it. Other systems would probably not require that extra work (but it matches the Lian Li so well...). You could consider the Zalman Reserator, but my understanding is that it doesn't cool all that well either, also because it relies on heat dissipation by convection.
Well, I guess it doesn't cool as well as a water-cooled system, but from what I've read it does the job well enough.. and VoodooPC even used the previous model (TNN 500A) for their F50 system ( so I don't think it should be a problem...

Afterall I'm not really going to fill it up with lots of drives etc anyway.. it's just that I want a totally quiet system and I don't want a SFF case on my table anyway, so it doesn't really matter if it's not the smallest box around...

However, it would be kinda silly to have that big expensive box if it couldn't do SLI.. so that's really what I'm unsure about now. While the Zalman case is pretty expensive, I was hoping that I could use that case for some years and just swap in faster hardware, so in the long run the price of the case might not be such a big deal..
Whoever wanted to cool their pc with the reserator
It wont be enough your gonna need two
Sick system man
I'm getting the 30 incher two but I want to wait a month or so just to make sure no 3rd party vendor might release a x850xt with dual link dvi
Nice cat
Your pics of ure system just gave me so mutch confidence
All the people who got their systems working didnt post any pictures
Also Do you know if their gonna update the 30 ich in 2 year (for that compusa switch
lb19984 said:
Whoever wanted to cool their pc with the reserator
It wont be enough your gonna need two

Why would that be? The Zalman Reserator is according to my research very capable of cooling an AMD FX system + 6800 Ultra (Quadro FX). If you're a serious overclocker, sure, then it might not satisfy your needs, but if you want a silent system it should do very well, and it outperforms any air cooling you can get your hands on.

Anyway, I'll see if I can get some decent shots of the monitor tomorrow. I've also played HL2 at max resolution and it's stunning. :)[email protected]@.68a0baed

here's the link a friend sent me---- what do you guys think--- if it's true, we'll get a much cheaper gamer's card working with the 30" apple displays! :D

My 30" apple is still resting in the box at home while I find the righ tvideo card for it--- I just ordered the FX 3400, but if this ASUS V9999 works, I'll try that.

I've been watching that thread closely. I'll believe it when he shows me a pic of his case open with the card visible and identifiable, and an uninterupted DVI cable running to the monitor, which is unambiguously showing full resolution. :) Supposedly he will take and post pics next wednesday.

Not that I have any reason to doubt him in particular, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If it is true and confirmable, it's SLI time.
Blethrow said:
I've been watching that thread closely. I'll believe it when he shows me a pic of his case open with the card visible and identifiable, and an uninterupted DVI cable running to the monitor, which is unambiguously showing full resolution. :) Supposedly he will take and post pics next wednesday.

Not that I have any reason to doubt him in particular, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If it is true and confirmable, it's SLI time.

You can't run AGP cards in SLI anyway. ;) I saw that thread at Apple forums yesterday as well, but I'm quite hesitant that he's able to push the monitor at full res in 60Hz with that card, it sounds impossible. Either way, my FX 4000 outperforms that card in games, but it was of course 3X as expensive. As far as 3DMark, I got 11700 in 3DMark03 and 4800 in 05 with it overclocked but stable. I've only played HL2 so far, and it's gorgeous and quite fast in full resolution (the rest of my system is the bottleneck).
Oh I'm sorry I thought that U were powering an intel system
Then the reserator should be sufficient
Cneck this out
30Inch on PC (2:32pm EST Fri Oct 08 2004)
I called and talked to Apple Tech Support and I asked if I could run this monitor on PC with my XFX Dual DVI DDL 6800GT card and I quote...."I will give you two answers, one is the official Apple answer and one is the REAL answer. The official answer is no Apple stated that it will only run on a Mac with this DDL card...the real answer is it will run perfectly fine on your 6800GT Dual DVI DDL card." So there you go from the horses mouth and the king of propaganda..Apple Tech support. - by Jeremiah
here's the full article
Also someone got their acd (30) working with non dual link dvi card
I will be really, extraordinarily pissed at Apple if they lied to me and effectively coerced me into buying a $1300 card when something much less expensive would do.

Interestingly, my display works at dual res on either port of my Quadro FX 3400. Only one is supposed to be dual-link.
Yup, me too. I'm considering picking up one of those cards (ASUS V9999 GE) just to try and if it doesn't work I'll return it and invest in a Zalman Reserator instead. :p
Blethrow: said:
I will be really, extraordinarily pissed at Apple if they lied to me and effectively coerced me into buying a $1300 card when something much less expensive would do.

Interestingly, my display works at dual res on either port of my Quadro FX 3400. Only one is supposed to be dual-link.
I'm not surprised. When I was considering the IBM T221 recently, I did some research for video card requirements and came across some users' experiences. The IBM display has similar requirements as the Apple 30" (both have native resolutions above 1920x1200) and there were claims that it also will work as yours did with either port. However, I distinctly remember that it was highly undesirable due to the substantially reduced refresh rate (<20Hz). So, YMWV.

As for myself, I'll wait on indisputable evidence that unsupported hardware will work in full operation mode with these mega displays before I purchase a gaming video card. Furthermore, since I'm not in any rush I'll also wait for at least one other manufacturer to release a 30" display (or greater) before I take the plunge. Better to get some competition do its magic, and have two or more spec sheets to choose from as opposed to just one. ;)
Blethrow said:
My understanding is that the Zalman case doesn't actually cool that well as compared to conventional methods but perhaps this matters less with the A64. If you can stand just a slight bit of noise I'd go with water cooling for much less money. I put in a Koolance Exos Al, and it is barely audible. It was noisy as hell at first because it kept sucking air into the pumps, but a little work with a syringe and a curved needle got most of the excess air out of the reservoir and that sorted it. Other systems would probably not require that extra work (but it matches the Lian Li so well...). You could consider the Zalman Reserator, but my understanding is that it doesn't cool all that well either, also because it relies on heat dissipation by convection.

Belthrow, can you show some pic?

Moreover, do you think

Zalman ZM80D-HP Silent Dual Heatpipe VGA Heatsink

will work with the FX 3400 and cool it at least just as much as the standard cooling fan that comes with it?

Are you looking for pictures of the watercooling setup? I'm not clear on what you need.

I think that Zalman would work just fine. Looks like it might block the neighboring 2 slots though.
People check out this link it explains everything (towards the bottom)
But to have dual link you need to have an silicon chip example apple 6800 ddl has 2
All other cards (6800 be 3rd party brands have this and another transistor missing
The asus ge on the otherehand uses a little different card setup and although it doesnt have the sli chip it does have a replecement chip instead
Also the other transistor is not missing Check it out
Blethrow said:

Are you looking for pictures of the watercooling setup? I'm not clear on what you need.

I think that Zalman would work just fine. Looks like it might block the neighboring 2 slots though.

yeah, a pic. of the inside of your computer that describe what I quoted from the above mesg.

Sorry for the late reply. I just bought that new computer and have been busy setting it up. And now start running XP, all sorts of f@#$ker hitting on my IP addr., so I got a worm and get a software firewall for now to fix it.

By the way, are you still running 2 GB of RAM or did you add more?
Happy Hopping Holidays.

I'll post some pics of the water for you tomorrow. I'm quite happy with the Koolance but would probably skip the kit if I were doing it over again. The Koolance keeps it stable at 4.1, but I'm going to need to add a heater core to push it a little further.

I've not added more RAM. Two is good for right now, so I'll address the matter in six months or so when I upgrade MoBo and processor.
Been following these threads closely and they have provided some very helpful information.

I just got a 30" ACD for Xmas and now I need to decide on which video card to pair it with.

I was thinking about the PNY FX 3000 or 4000 but have heard that they are super noisy. Can someone tell me how noisy is noisy? Is it periodic or constant noise?

I have heard that the ATI Fire GL X3 is less much less noisy. Can anyone confirm this?

How about the ASUS V9999 GE? I think that is based off of the NVIDIA card so I guess it is the same noise factor?

Any other suggestions about being able to use the 30" ACD but not generate a lot of noise? I am not technically gifted so a water cooler is not feasible.

I just got a 30" ACD for Xmas and now I need to decide on which video card to pair it with.
Would you like to adopt a 23 year old male who doesn't eat much and cleans up after himself? :)