App for controling vid card fan speed


Jul 5, 2001
Ok here is the deal i have always used ATITOOL and love it but i have issues with it in vista UL, and official support for vista will be awhile, what i love the most about ATITOOL is being able to set my own fan speeds. so does anyone know of another app like ATITOOL that works well in vista and allows you to control your fan speeds.

i did try tray tools and rivatuner but really didn't like them.

thnx is in advance
tray tools and rivatuner... lol I personally use rivatuner since atitool doesnt work in vista :)
well thnx for the input i tried rivatuner again still don't like it, so i gave tray tools a shot again, i think i first tried a older version the newest tray tools i dl'd works perfect now in Vista Ultimate x64