Apollo GeForce 6800 128-RD Rivatuner...

Mr. Stryker

Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 15, 2005
Weird, I felt like installing Rivatuner, a new version was just released today. It says I get this, but my card's supposed to have 12p and 5vp, right?

The clockspeeds still say 325mhz/700mhz

Also it's been saying my core is 250 and the regular speed 325 on the graph itself:
I didn't click on anything yet, to make it work at 16/6, does that mean rivatuner already applied it to my card? Geez i'm lost...
I just picked up the same card. Riva tuner says the same as yours. What I understand from this is the card came unlocked. Also mine says Gainward on side opposite the fan. Leftover ? How do I identify the ram and there speed ? Could this be a down clocked faster model ?
if you think its a GT, cross reference the mosfet layouts and such :)

alsot to the 325/250 thing, it was at 325 while gaming, 250 while in 2d mode, check your temps and theyll show it :p
coolroyboy said:
I just picked up the same card. Riva tuner says the same as yours. What I understand from this is the card came unlocked. Also mine says Gainward on side opposite the fan. Leftover ? How do I identify the ram and there speed ? Could this be a down clocked faster model ?

Yeah, I got Gainward on mine too, I was like, wtf.... lol
The card matches the 6800nu I found reviewd on cooltechzone.com, different cooler but the same red card , still much faster than my old 9500pro .
The card does come unlocked out of the box. Thats what most people are saying in Newegg reviews.
i have one that isn't. What do I do in rivatuner to unloch the extra pipes?
1 year, I called and spoke with a woman she also said mods or damage will void it and you must have the orignal receipt.
I purchased this card, however I get odd red and green sparkles, generally during the intro's or menus. During the BF2 intro, I get the sparkles, once in the main menu and game...they are gone... I don't get it.

My card came fully unlocked with 16/6. It overclocks well, I've gotten 400 core 875 memory.

Anyone know what the red and green sparkles are? They aren't arranged in a grid, so I'm not sure it's the 4th quad that's acting up. I've tried disabling a few of the vertex shaders, one at a time, but I'm confused because in 3d there are no artifacts...

Any ideas?
I would try turning down your speed to 395/865. That is what mine maxed out at.
I finally found the source of the artifacts. I had them even at stock speeds. For some reason, with 2x AA I had red and green sparkles, disabling AA altogether or going to 4x AA seemed to fix the problem. I tried several different driver versions, and eventually the sparkles began to show up with no AA enabled at all, so I returned the board for cash...

I'm currently using my old 9600 Pro, and I'm considering my options...it seems AGP cards have quite a premium anymore. :(
so wait, gainward manufactures apollo cards? weird though since gainward pulled out of the US market